
>"【動画】根本良輔氏「そもそも相手からぶつかってきてます!」→ 暴行の瞬間を自ら投稿してしまう…"

>"年収 200万円の私に何してくれる? → 立憲民主党(2023)「納めた消費税の半分を返還します!」"

>"社民党副党首「平和を求めて闘う沖縄の人々を、嘲笑し、愚弄する人に選挙の応援に入ってもらう意味を考えて欲しい」→ ひろゆき氏「ウクライナが、どうなってるのか知らないの?」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/29)


> ベストセラーをひた走る『>"トランスジェンダーになりたい少女たち"』は未だ放火脅迫を受けており、書店販売に多大な支障が続く。
> だが TVはこれを全く報道しない。
> 角川を出版停止に追い込み、勇気をもって刊行した産経新聞出版にも脅迫を続ける勢力。
> 自民党に鉄槌を、と思う一方 "立憲全勝"に感じる不安

[Girls who want to be transgender], which has been continuously a bestseller, still receives arson threats. Bookstore sales is therefore continuously and severely disrupted.
Nevertheless, it's completely not reported in TV programs.
A force that forced Kadokawa Corp to have given publication up and continuously threatens Sankei Shimbun Publications Inc, which published that with courage.
While I think to want punish the LDP, I feel uneasy about "the CDPJ won in all by-elections."



> 青山繁晴参議院議員が中国国家電網 "ロゴ"事件に関連し「フィリピンの電気は中国がいつでも止められます。施設を政府が持っていても動かしているのは民間で、株式を含めて中国に握られているから。そしてそれを日本でやろうとしたのが河野太郎大臣です」と。
> 同じ自民党でも歯に衣着せぬ論評。
> 素晴らしい

Concerning the case of "logo" of the State Grid Corporation of China, UH lawmaker Shigeharu Aoyama (LDP) says that "China can cut off electricity in the Philippines at any time. Even though the government owns the facility, the reason why is that it's run by the private sector which is grapsed by China including the stock. And the very person who attempted to do this in Japan was Minister Taro Kono."
Even though he is a member of the same LDP, this is a frank commentary.



> テレ朝モーニングショーで玉川徹氏が「法律に違反してないんだったら何やってもいいという考え方。これを良識ある有権者が受けいれると思いますかって話なんですよ」と。
> え?
> あれだけ "あんな人達に負ける訳にはいかない"との安倍発言を批判していたのに今度は逆ですか。
> もし本音なら、今回の妨害映像をなぜ放映しなかったのか

In a program of TV Asahi Corp., "Morning Show," Toru Tamagawa said that "The way of thinking that you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't violate the law. The problem is whether or not sensible voters accept this."
Even though you criticized the remark by Abe "We can't afford to lose to persons like that" so much, you are reversal way this time.
If it's your true intention, why didn't you air the interference-footage this time!?



> 小池百合子都知事が支援した乙武洋匡氏は供託金没収もあり得た1万9655票に留まり、組織力ゼロの飯山あかり氏に5千票近い差をつけられ5位。
> 小池氏は事務所に顔も見せず乙武氏だけが敗戦の弁。
> 頼みの二階俊博氏もいなくなり、7月7日の都知事選も混沌。

Hirotada Ototake, who was supported by Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike, won only 19,655 votes, which could've led to his deposit being confiscated, and finished in 5th place, which is less nearly 5,000 votes than Akari Iiyama, who has almost zero organizational power.
Gov. Koike did not even appearred at his office, therefore Ototake was the only one who voiced a defeat-speech.
With the reliable Toshihiro Nikai gone, even the July 7 gubernatorial election will be also in chaos.
"The time of finale" is something like this.