Ref.>"日本の蛮行を振り返る 横浜でパネル展"


>"【韓国紙】韓国半導体の未来が恐ろしい… めまいがする「銭の戦争」"


>【韓国の反応】韓国は世界一住みやすい国なのに、自らの手で人生を終わらせた人が 32%急増していた事が判明。【世界の〇〇にゅーす】【ニュース】

Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 4/29)


>【韓国 vs 日本】母の日にもらいたいプレゼント
> 両国の価値観の違いがよく現れていると思う🙄
> 少なくとも昔は現金じゃなかったが、だんだん世俗的、物質的になってきた気がする。
> しかし過去は抑制されていた姿で、今の方が本当の姿かも。🧐

[S. Korea vs Japan]. Gifts (mothers) want to be presented on Mother's Day
* In S. Korea, "cash" is by far the No. 1 place
* "Letter," "flowers," etc. are not ranked
I think this clearly shows the difference in sense of values between the two countries.
At least, it wasn't cash in the past. However, I feel that it has becoming "secular" and "materialism" gradually.
However, the past was the self-restrained figure, and the now may be a true figure🧐