
>"【韓国】没落した韓国スポーツ界、パリ五輪選手団の規模はここ 48年間で最小"

>"Taiwan's Parks, Originally Made by Japan, Have Something to Teach Japanese Today"

>【WEB限定】未来世紀ジパング 特別編 #289「台湾」

Translation; [Hello from Seoul]. Old stories in Taiwan and S. Korea

>"[台湾と韓国の昔話]. ソウルからヨボセヨ"

> 私事を書かせていただけば、台湾に嫁入りしている娘のあちらのお母さんが最近、亡くなられた。
> 94歳だった。
> 子供が結婚した場合の双方の親同士を韓国語では「サドン」というが、日本語ではどう訳せばいいのだろう。
> そのサドンになる前に台湾にあいさつに出かけたとき、開口一番「私は昔、ヒロタミチコ(廣田美智子)でした」とにこやかにあいさつされた。

On a personal note, mother-in-law of my daughter, who is married to a Taiwanese citizen, recently passed away.
She was 94 years old.
In Korean-language, the relationship between parents when their children get married is called "sa-don" (* in-laws), but how should this be translated into Japanese-language?
Before we became that sa-don relations, when I went to Taiwan to make a courtesy call, the 1st thing she voiced was "I used to be Michiko Hirota" while smiling.

> 日本統治時代に日本式姓名が導入された際、元の名前が「黄翠蓮(コウ・スイレン)」だったため姓に、コウと読める「廣」を入れたという。
> そして小学校時代の思い出になり「当時の日本人の恩師を招いて何回も同窓会をやりました」とひとしきり「恩師の山中貞則先生」のことが出た。

When Japanese-style naming-system was introduced during the Japanese ruling period, as her original name was "Kou Suiren," she explained to have added a Chinese kanji character of "廣", which can be pronounced "Kou," to her surname.
Then, memories of her elementary school period became a topic, and she mentioned "her teacher, Sadanori Yamanaka," saying that "We had reunions inviting our Japanese teachers around that time many times."

> 山中貞則(1921~ 2004年)は鹿児島県出身の自民党国会議員で防衛庁長官や通産相などを歴任した大物政治家だが、青年時代に台湾で教鞭をとっていたのだ。
> サドンからその名前が出たとたんにうれしくなり「実は私も故郷は鹿児島なんですよ」となってお互い一気に距離が近くなった。
> 日本語も達者で意思疎通にありがたかった。

Sadanori Yamanaka (1921-2004) was a LDP lawmaker from Kagoshima Pref., and a heavyweight politician who held positions such as Director General of the Defense Agency and Minister of International Trade and Industry, and when he was a youngster, he worked as a teacher in Taiwan.
When the sa-don voiced that name, I was delighted instantly and said that "Indeed, I am a Kagoshima nativetoo," and we became closer mutually all at once.
As she was good at Japanese-language too, it was helpful in our communication.

> 韓国でも以前は昔の日本人先生の思い出や、戦時中の日本人戦友との戦後の〝戦友会〟を懐かしく語る人がいたが世代交代してしまった。
> 今や耳にするのはメディア経由の殺伐とした話ばかりだ。

In S. Korea too, there used to be persons who talked nostalgically about their memories of Japanese teachers in the past and the post-war "comrades gatherings" they had with Japanese comrades during the war. However, generationals have been replace.
In nowadays, all we hear are brutal stories via mass media.