

>"セブンイレブン新発売「キムパ&チュモッパ ヤンニョムチキン・卵焼き」"

>"「韓国サッカーを滅亡に導いた」パリ五輪行き消滅で猛非難 大韓サッカー協会会長降ろしへ"


>"Friendly Father": North Korea releases new song praising leader Kim Jong Un

Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 4/27)


> 朝鮮総連が「元帥様」と称える男の品格🤣
> バイデンと同レベルのように見える🧐

The dignity of the male that the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (aka Chongryon) praises as "Mr. Marshal"🤣
It looks like at the same level as U.S. President Joe Biden🧐