


>"<東京15区補選> 乙武陣営、ついに切り札を投入 wwwwwwwww ⇒ ネットの反応「これは贔屓の引き倒しにしかならんだろ」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/26)


> NHKが日本保守党飯山あかり氏を時間をかけて報じ始めた理由は何か。
> 泡沫扱いから "無視できない存在"へ。
> まだ存在自体を消すメディアもあるがブームは消せない。
> 演説の力で有権者を引きつけるだけに "演説妨害"が最も痛いが、明確な公選法違反でも警察上層部に民主主義を守ろうとの気概がない。
> 情けない

What's the reason why NHK starts to take so long time to report on candidate Akari Iiyama (the Conservative Party of Japan)!?
From being treated as a trivial candidate to an "impossible to ignore existence."
There are still media that hide her existence itself from, but the boom can't be disappeared.
Since her power of speeches attracts voters, "speech interference" is the most harmful. Despite it's clear violation of the Public Offices Election Act, the upper echelons of the police have no desire to protect democracy.
It's pitiful.



> 小池百合子都知事が警視総監に「何とかして!」と指示し、乙武洋匡氏の応援演説だけ "首相並み厳重警備"となった事を上田令子都議が非難。
> 仰る通り。
> いつまで経っても "私的利用"の癖は治らない

Tokyo Metropolitan Councilor Reiko Ueda criticized that Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike instructed the Superintendent General of Tokyo to "do something!," and "security was as tight as the Prime Minister" only when Hirotada Ototake's support speeches are done.
She X-posted that "The SP has mobilized more than 100 people, including uniforms. As she is the governor of Tokyo, he should protect the safety not only of herself and Ototake, but of all candidates."
She has a point.
Her habit of "personal use" is incurable eternally.


>'小池都知事が警視総監に「何とかして!」乙武洋匡氏の応援演説は「首相並みの厳重警備」に… 警察が "過激すぎる候補者"を「捕まえられないワケ」'