Ref.>"IAEA task force begins 2nd review of Fukushima Daiichi treated water release"

> IAEA 福島第一原発処理水の海洋放出後2回目の調査開始(2024年4月 23日)

↓(See detAIl of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Extremely important," CCS Yoshimasa Hayashi expressed so = the IAEA investigation team visits Japan and conducts the 1st verification when the discharge is underway

>"IAEAが処理水検証 調査団来日、放出中は初 林芳正官房長官「極めて重要」"

> 国際原子力機関(IAEA)の調査団が 23日、東京電力福島第1原発の処理水海洋放出の安全性を検証する作業を始めた。
> 来日は昨年8月の放出開始後では2回目。
> 東電は今月19日に放出を再開しており、放出作業中の検証は初となる。
> 26日まで、東電や政府の関係者との会合、第1原発の現地調査に臨む。

On April 23, an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) investigation team started work to verify the safety of maritime discharge of treated waste water from TEPCO Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
This is the 2nd visit to Japan after start of the discharge in last August.
The TEPCO resumed the discharge on April 19, and this is the 1st verification when the discharge is underway.
Until April 26, it will hold meetings with officials of the TEPCO and the government and conduct an on-site inspection of TEPCO No. 1 nuclear power plant.

> 調査団はIAEA職員や、放出に反発する中国を含む海外の専門家で構成。
> 23日は、調査団を率いるIAEAのカルーソ調整官らが外務省を訪れ、経済産業省や原子力規制庁、東電の担当者と意見交換。
> カルーソ調整官は「このアプローチとサポート体制をさらに数年間継続したい」と強調した。
> 林芳正官房長官は 23日の記者会見で「国際的権威による検証は極めて重要だ」と述べた。

The investigation team is made up of IAEA officials and experts from foreign countries including China, which opposes the discharge.
On the 23rd, Gustavo Caruso -- Director and Coordinator for the Fukushima ALPS project, in the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security of the IAEA, who leads the investigation team -- and so on visited the MoFA, and exchanged opinions with officials from the METI, the Nuclear Regulation Authority and the TEPCO.
IAEA coordinator Gustavo Caruso emphasized that "We would like to continue this approach and support system for more several years."
At a press briefing on April 23, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said that "Verification by the international authority is extremely important."