Ref.>"Town committee OKs request to host final site for nuclear waste"

>「核のごみ」最終処分場選定「文献調査」受け入れ請願 賛成多数で "採択" 玄海町議会特別委【佐賀県】(24/04/25 17:17)

↓(See detAIl of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; It's chaired by Legislative Yuan speaker Han Kuo-yu = a bipartisan lawmakers league aiming friendship with Japan was established in Taiwan

>"核最終処分の調査請願を佐賀・玄海町議会特別委が採択 原発立地自治体で初"

> 佐賀県の玄海町議会は 25日、原子力対策特別委員会を開き、原発の高レベル放射性廃棄物(核のごみ)の最終処分場選定に向けた文献調査の受け入れを求める請願を賛成多数で採択した。
> 翌 26日の本会議でも採択方針で、調査応募の可否の最終判断は脇山伸太郎町長に委ねられる。

On April 25, the town council of Genkai Town in Saga Pref. held a special nuclear power countermeasure committee and adopted a request by majority voting for the municipality to accept a literature survey in order for selection of the final disposal site for high-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants (nuclear waste).
It has a policy to vote it at the entire town assembly on the next day, April 26, and the final judgment to apply for the investigatin will be entrusted to town Mayor Shintaro Wakiyama.

> 玄海町には九州電力玄海原発が立地しており、原発がある自治体で核のごみ調査に関する請願の採択は初めて。
> 全国的な議論に欠ける核のごみ問題に一石を投じる可能性がある。

In Genkai Town, the Kyushu Electric Power Genkai nuclear power plant is located, and it's the 1st adoption of the petition regarding the nuclear waste by a municipality with a nuclear power plant.
It will possibly to create a stir in the nuclear waste problem, which lacks the national discussion.

> 請願は旅館組合と飲食業組合、建設業者による防災対策協議会の地元3団体がそれぞれ提出していた。
> 調査受け入れによる国からの最大 20億円の交付金を活用した経済振興を目指す思惑もある。
> 25日の特別委では賛成派、反対派がそれぞれの考えを表明。
> 委員長を除く9人で3件の請願を一括して採決、賛成6人、反対3人で採択された。

The petition was submitted by local three organizations of a disaster-countermeasures council -- formed by an inn association, restaurant industry association and construction companies -- respectively.
There is also an intention to use the grant of up to \2 billion from the central government by accepting the survey in economic promotion.
At the special committee meeting on the 25th, both supporters and opponents expressed their views.
Nine members, excluding the committee chairperson, voted on three petitions at once, and it was adopted with 6 people in favor and 3 people against.