Ref.>"中国船1隻が領海侵入 尖閣周辺、日本漁船追う"



>【講演動画】令和5年度 東海防衛支局 防衛問題セミナー 第2部「台湾情勢と東アジアの安全保障」

Translation; It's chaired by Legislative Yuan speaker Han Kuo-yu = a bipartisan lawmakers league aiming friendship with Japan was established in Taiwan

>"台湾で超党派の対日友好議連が発足 会長に韓国瑜・立法院長"

> 2月に会期が始まった台湾立法院(国会)の超党派の対日友好議員連盟「台日交流聯誼会」の発足式が 25日、行われた。
> 慣例に従い、会長には韓国瑜・立法院長(国会議長)が就いた。
> 韓氏は最大野党で立法院第1党の国民党に所属。
> 発足式で、3日の東部沖地震を受けた日本の支援に謝意を示し「(日台は)長年、互いに助け合ってきた」と強調。
> 将来も関係を発展させたいと表明した。

On April 25, an inauguration ceremony of the the "(* 11th) Legislative Yuan's Taiwan-Japan Parliament Members Friendship Association," a bipartisan lawmakers league of the Legislative Yuan aiming friendship with Japan, whose ordinary session was kicked off in February, was held.
According to custom, Legislative Yuan speaker Han Kuo-yu] (national assembly speaker) assumed its chairman.
Han Kuo-yu belongs to the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), the largest opposition party and the largest party in the Legislative Yuan.
At the inauguration ceremony, he expressed gratitude for Japan's support in response to the 2024 Hualien earthquake on the 3rd and emphasized that "(Japan and Taiwan) have helped each other for many years."
He expressed to want to develop the relations from now on too.

> 同連盟には全立法委員113人のうち、71人が名を連ねた。
> 発足式に出席した日本台湾交流協会台北事務所の片山和之代表(大使に相当)は、さらに多くの立法委員が参加してほしいと呼びかけた。

The lawmakers league included 71 ones out of totally 113 Taiwanese legislators.
Kazuyuki Katayama, representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association's Taipei office (equivalent to an ambassador), who attended the inauguration ceremony, called for more Taiwanese legislators to participate in it.