Ref.>"「韓国経済の奇跡は終わった」英紙警告 韓国ネット「高速で発展、墜落も高速だ。3年後には別世界に」"

>"<東京15区補選> 総務相、つばさの党による選挙妨害について「処罰の対象になりうる」⇒ ネットの反応「サヨクが候補者に対する野次や誹謗中傷を認めろと声高に叫んだ顛末がこれ」"

>"<TBS> 東京15区補選 立憲・酒井氏優勢 維新・金澤氏と諸派・飯山氏が追う ⇒ 高橋洋一氏「酒井、金澤、飯山に絞られたな。最後の三日まで分からない」⇒ ネットの反応「TBSでさえも飯山あかりさんの追い上げを報道せざるを得ない状況、すごいな、飯山さん」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/25)


> ハーバード大学ラムザイヤー教授、世宗大学朴裕河教授が書いた慰安婦の真実が学術的に認められている。
> 日本でも慰安婦の真実を記した竹田恒泰氏の中学歴史教科書も検定に合格。
> 社会保障も整備されていないあの貧困の時代に身を売らざるを得なかった薄幸な女性が数多くいた事を忘れまい。
> そして史実を曲げてまでこれを日本攻撃に利用する輩がいる事も

The truth about comfort women written by "Prof. Mark Ramseyer at Harvard Law School" & "Prof. (* emeritus) Park Yu-ha at Sejong University" are accepted by academically.
In Japan too, Tsuneyasu Takeda's junior high school history textbook, which describes the truth about comfort women, has passed the textbook screening.
I never forget that, during that period of poverty, when social security was not in place, there were many unfortunate females who had no choice but to sell themselves.
And there are persons who even distort historical facts and use this to attack Japan too.



> 自民杉田水脈氏への人権侵害報道を続ける共同通信が今度は教育勅語への杉田氏の Xに "偏狭なナショナリズムや排外主義をあおった"と。
>「安定の共同通信さん。教育勅語を読むと背筋が "伸びる"人と "凍る"人、貴方はどちらですか?と質問した事を"排外的投稿"と。春になって随分暖かくなったので、そろそろコタツから出られてはいかがですか?」と杉田水脈氏。
> レベルが違う

Kyodo News, which has been continuously doing human rights violation reports against LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP), reported this time on a X-post about the Imperial Rescript on Education by Sugita that it "fans narrow-minded nationalism and xenophobia."
Sugita X-posted that 'Stable (* way of reporting by) Kyodo News. It reported that "it's xenophobic post" on that I questioned which type are you -- when you read the Imperial Rescript on Education, your spine "stretch," or you gets a chill down your spine." It's spring and it has gotten quite warm, so why not get out of the kotatsu soon?"
(Sugita) in on another level.



> 東京15区補選の妨害行為は 2017年秋葉原 "安倍辞めろ"集団連呼事件で、逆に安倍氏を攻め続けた野党とマスコミに元がある事を阿比留瑠比氏が論じている。
> 今になって演説妨害を受けた蓮舫氏が「負けない」と言っている事が腹立たしい

Ruhi Abiru argues that the root cause of the obstruction in the Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election is the opposition party and the media, which on the contrary and continuously attacked Abe in the 2017 Akihabara "Abe resign" mass chant case.
Former PM Abe's words has yet faded even after 7 years that "We, the LDP, will never do something like that to come to a place where persons' opinions are expressed and disrupt speeches. Nothing comes from hatred. Nothing comes from slandering the other party. We can't afford to lose to persons like them."
It is infuriating that UH lawmaker Renho (CDPJ), who was interrupted in her speech, now says that "I will not lose."
