
>"【韓国】2月の出生数が2万人割り込む 同月で過去最少"


>"韓国の G8の夢くだける 韓国は自分が思ってるほど西側には重要ではない グローバルタイムズ"


> N. Korea sends high-level delegation to Iran, "extremely unusual announcement," say S. Korean ...

↓(See detAIl of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. Don't be fooled by the Kim Yo-jong statements -- an explanation by Tsutomu Nishioka

>"[チャンネル正論]. 西岡力氏解説「金与正談話」に惑わされるな"

> 北朝鮮拉致問題の解決に向けた水面下の日朝交渉をめぐり、北朝鮮側からの揺さぶりが止まらない。
> 金与正・朝鮮労働党副部長からも談話が相次いでいて、北朝鮮の思惑や狙いを正確に見極める必要があろう。
> モラロジー道徳教育財団道徳科学研究所教授、西岡力氏が解説する。
> 聞き手は月刊「正論」編集委員、安藤慶太。

N. Korea has been continuously wavering over the behind-the-scenes negotiations between Japan and N. Korea aiming to settle the abduction issue by N. Korea.
Kim Yo-jong, vice director of the WPK, also issued statements one after another, it's therefore necessary to accurately assess N. Korea's intentions and goals.
Prof. Tsutomu Nishioka at institute of moral science of the Moralogy Foundation explains that in the following footage.
The interviewer is Keita Ando, an editorial committee member of the monthly magazine "Seiron."

> 西岡力氏解説 「金与正談話」に惑わされるな