
>"麻生副総裁がトランプ氏と会談 → お笑い芸人「トランプに尻尾を振るためにポチ2号が渡米…」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 4/24)


> 教育勅語を見ると背筋が凍る人と言っている人が、教育勅語を読んだことがあるとは思えない。
> 普通の教育を受けた日本人だったら、ごく当たり前のことしか書いてないと思うが。

I can't think that anyone who says the Imperial Rescript on Education gives them chills down their spine has ever read the Imperial Rescript on Education.
If he or she is a Japanese person with a normal education, it's written only as a matter of course.



> 広東省の洪水はとんでもないことになっている模様。
The flooding in Guangdong Province seems to be beconing terrible.

>"'Everything is gone': Chinese farmers face huge losses after widespread floods"


> 中国がインドやバングラデシュに流れる大河の上流に三峡ダムの2、3倍の超大型ダム「墨脱(メトク)ダム」を計画。
> 発電能力は原発約 40基分、分水して運河を通し黄河上流に接続し北京に送るつもりらしい。
> 農業用水などで使っているインドやバングラデシュには大迷惑。
> 挙句に、難工事なので、核を使うのではないかと懸念されているそうだ。

China plans the "Motuo Dam," a super-large dam two to three times the size of the Three Gorges Dam, at upstream of a major river that flows into India and Bangladesh.
The power generation capacity is equivalent to about 40 nuclear power plants, and it seems that it's planned to divert the water, connect it to the upper reach of the Yellow River through a canal, and send it to Beijing.
It is a big nuisance for India and Bangladesh, where water is used for agricultural purposes.
Even worse, since the construction work will be difficult, it's concerned that nuclear bomb(s) will possibly be used.

>"中国の墨脱ダム インドへの大河 北京に分水か"


> 自分のたちへの罵声は「選挙妨害」、安倍さんや昭恵さんなどへの罵声を取り締まるのは「排除」。
> いかにも蓮舫さん。

Swearing at their own candidate is "election interference," while cracking down on cursing ones against Abe and Akie is "elimination."
As expected, it's very Renho.