Ref.>"【話題】『これいいんか… 普通に営業妨害では』"


>"女性中傷、維新・足立議員に賠償命令 憲法上の「免責特権」の対象にはならないと判断"

> 靖国の杜にて! 海ゆかば

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 4/24)


> 今朝の投稿に「教育勅語を見ると背筋が凍る」というコメントが多く寄せられましたが、私は今までそんなことをおっしゃる日本人にお会いしたことがありません。
> そこで質問です。
> 貴方は教育勅語を読むと、背筋が「伸びる」?「凍る」?

[Using the questionnaire function for the first time]
Many comments are posted on my this morning's post, saying that "Seeing the Imperial Rescript on Education gives me chills down my spine." However, I have never met a Japanese person who said such matter.
So, here's a question.
Does your spine "stretch" when you read the Imperial Rescript on Education? Or "Freezed"?

> そうなんです!
> 私、政治家になって秘書さんに指摘されるまで「脆弱性(ぜいじゃくせい)」、を「きじゃくせい」って読んでて💧
> あと、これは役所時代ですが、「把握」を「派握」って書いて上司に注意されたことも。
> 皆さんも間違って覚えていた漢字とかあれば教えてください😯

That's right!
I used to read "vulnerability" as "kijakusei" not "zeijakusei" until I became a politician and was pointed out by my secretary.
Also, this was when I was employee of the city hall, I once got a warning from my boss for writing "把握" as "派握."
If there are any Chinese kanji characters that you remembered incorrectly, please let me know😯



> 土曜日は、静岡県の城内実先生にご紹介いただいた茨城県日立市の保守の会総会で講演。
> 会場は100名を超える参加者で満杯。
> 地元の石川あきまさ先生も駆けつけてくださいました。
> 国歌だけでなく、「海ゆかば」も斉唱した後、全員で教育勅語を唱和。背筋が伸びる思いがしました。
> 日本国内外の課題と進むべき方向についてお話しさせていただきましたが、特に女性の方が大きく頷きながら、聞いてくださっていたのが印象的でした。
> これからもこのような機会を増やして参ります。

On Saturday, I gave a lecture at the general meeting of a conservative association in Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture, which was introduced by LH lawmaker Minoru Kiuchi (LDP) from Shizuoka Pref.
The venue was filled with over 100 participants.
Locall elected LH lawmaker Masaaki Ishikawa (LDP) also rushed to come to the venue.
After singing en masse not only the national anthem but also "Umi Yukaba," everyone chanted the Imperial Rescript on Education.
I felt like my back was stretching.
I talked about problems at home and abroad, and the direction Japan should take. I was particularly impressed by that a female was listening while nodding her head.
I would like to increase opportunities like this from now on too.