Ref.>"Philippines, US hold Balikatan joint military exercise"

>"慰安婦18人の子供が日本を提訴 1人当たり 4270万円の賠償金を求める"

> 沖縄県議会議員選挙まで約2か月!もうやめよう!不正選挙!【沖縄の声】【ボギーてどこん】[桜R6/4/22]

* This is a neither "history" nor "money making" simple issue, but "cognitive warfare" of the so called "unrestricted Warfare" for China.

↓(See detAIl of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; The focal point is whether or not it will be accepted = bereaved of former Chinese CW filed lawsuit in China against Tokyo to seek an apology and compensation

>"中国元慰安婦の遺族が中国で日本政府を初提訴、謝罪と賠償求める 受理するかどうかが焦点"

> 中国メディアは 22日までに、日中戦争で旧日本軍による性被害を受けたとする中国人元慰安婦の複数の遺族が日本政府に謝罪と損害賠償を求める訴状を山西省の裁判所に提出したと伝えた。
> 中国人の元慰安婦を巡って日本政府を提訴するのは中国で初めてという。

By April 22, media in China reported that plural bereaved families members of former Chinese comfort women -- who were allegedly sexually assaulted by the Japanese forces during the 2nd Sino-Japanese War -- submitted a complaint to a court in Shanxi Province to seek an apology and compensation from Tokyo.
This is allegedly the 1st time in China file a lawsuit against Tokyo over former Chinese CW.

> 韓国では元慰安婦らが日本政府を提訴し、現地の裁判所が損害賠償を命じた。
> そうした動きを受けて中国の裁判所に訴状を提出したとしている。
> 中国の裁判所が訴状を受理するかどうかが焦点だ。
> 中国のニュースサイト「中国新聞網」によると、元慰安婦18人の子供が4月上旬、山西省の高級人民法院(高裁)に訴状を提出した。
> 日本政府に元慰安婦1人当たり 200万元(約 4270万円)の賠償金支払いや謝罪を求めた。

In S. Korea, former CW and so on sued Tokyo, and local courts ordered (Tokyo) to pay compensation.
It's explained that, in response to such moves, they submitted the complaint to a court in China
The focal point is whether or not the court in China will accept the complaint.
According to the Chinese news site, "China News Service," the children of 18 former CW filed a complaint with a High People's Court (High Court) in Shanxi Province in early April.
They demanded Tokyo to pay compensation of 2 million yuan (approx. \42.7 million) to each former comfort woman and apologize.

> 1990年代以降、中国人の元慰安婦や遺族が日本政府に謝罪と賠償を求めて日本の裁判所に提訴したが、いずれも敗訴が確定している。
> 最高裁は、72年の日中共同声明で個人の賠償請求権は放棄されたとの判断を示した。

Since the 1990s, former Chinese CW and their bereaved filed lawsuits in Japanese courts, demanding an apology and compensation from Tokyo. However, in each case, it's finalized to have lost.
The Supreme Court ruled that the 1972 Sino-Japanese Joint Statement waived the right of individuals to claim compensation.