



> President Yoon appoints new Chief-of-Staff and Senior Political Secretary

↓(See detAIl of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. S. Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, who is at the end of the cliff

>"[チャンネル正論]. 崖っぷちの韓国・尹錫悦大統領"

> 韓国総選挙の結果、最大野党「共に民主党」が過半数を上回る議席を獲得して大勝した。
> 尹政権の支持率は疑惑などを背景に低迷し選挙で苦しい結果を突きつけられた。
> 特に 200議席で大統領が拒否権を行使した法案の再可決や憲法改正案の可決などもあり得る状況だ。
> モラロジー道徳教育財団道徳科学研究所教授、西岡力氏が解説する。
> 聞き手は月刊正論編集委員、安藤慶太。

As a result of the general election in S. Korea, the largest opposition party, "Democratic Party of Korea," won a landslide victory gaining more than half of the seats.
The Yoon administration's approval ratings declined due to suspicions, etc., it therefore faced a difficult outcome in the election.
In particular, with 200 seats, it's possible that a bill vetoed by the president could be re-passed and a constitutional amendment bill be passed.
Prof. Tsutomu Nishioka at institute of moral science of the Moralogy Foundation explains that in the following footage.
The interviewer is Keita Ando, an editorial committee member of the monthly magazine "Seiron."
