Ref.>"内閣支持率 26.9%に微増 産経 FNN世論調査"


>"小池百合子知事、都内首長選の〝連勝〟ストップ 目黒で支援候補敗北 今後の戦略に影響か"

>"蓮舫氏(5年前)「『あのようなひとたち』と排除させるのはおかしい」→ 蓮舫氏(現在)「警察の対応が遅くて怖かった」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/22)


> 玉木雄一郎氏が "再エネに反対ではありません"と断りながら「再エネコストが火力や原発より低いと言うなら再エネ賦課金をやめて市場原理に任せて問題ないのではないでしょうか。再エネ賦課金は低所得世帯も負担する。所得の "逆再分配"も問題」と。
> 再エネ賦課金廃止を公約に掲げるなら反響は大きいだろう

While saying that "I don't oppose renewable energy," DPFP leader Yuichiro Tamaki X-posted that 'If the cost of renewable energy is lower than that of thermal power or nuclear power, it's no problem to abandon renewable energy charges and leave it to market principles, isn't it!? Renewable energy charges are shouldered by low-income households too. "Reverse redistribution" of income is also a problem.'
If he makes an election pledge to abandon tenewable energy charges, it will has a great impact.


>"再エネ賦課金、年1万円負担増 「パネル」高シェアの中国利する? 見直し機運も"


> 中国国営企業ロゴ問題を "これは再生エネヘイトだ"と言い始めた東京新聞。
> 左翼は旗色が悪くなれば "レッテル貼り"で反撃する。
> 列島の緑を潰し、中国に日本国民のお金が流れ、不安定かつ自然災害にも弱い上に、中国が日本の電力の生殺与奪を握るアジア送電網への懸念など、東京新聞には関係なし。
> 背筋が寒くなる程の媚中新聞

The Tokyo Shimbun, which started to say that it's "renewable energy hate" about the problem of the watermarks of the Chinese state run company (* the State Grid Corporation of China).
If leftists find themselves in a disadvantageous situation, they counterattack with "labeling."
The Tokyo Shimbun has no interest in concern about Asian Super Grid (ASG), which destroys the greenery of the archipelago, the Japanese nationals' money flows to China, not only unstable and vulnerable to natural disasters, but also making the right to make live or kill of Japan's electricity be grasped by China.
It's a pro-China newspaper to the degree to send chills down my spine.


>"これって「再生エネヘイト」では? 内閣府資料に「中国国営企業のロゴ」で騒ぎになった背景を考えた"


> 東京15区補選で乙武洋匡氏の演説中に「おい乙武。オマエ何しに来たんだ!」と男が怒鳴りながら突進、大暴れして現行犯逮捕。
> 他候補への妨害 & 嫌がらせが横行する現場。
> 札幌地裁の廣瀬孝裁判官による "ヤジ連呼"合法の非常識判決が原因とはいえ、民主主義崩壊の日本が哀しい

In the Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election, when candidate Hirotada Ototake was making a speech, a male rushed, went wile and was arrested red-handed, while shouting that "Hey Ototake. What do you come here for?"
In the fields, interference and harassment of other candidates are rampant.
Even though the cause is the insane judgment to legalize "repeated jeers" handed down by chief judge Takashi Hirose at the Sapporo District Court, I feel sorror for Japan where democracy is crubling.

>"衆院東京15区補選ついに逮捕者 乙武洋匡氏が演説中に〝襲撃〟被害「オマエ何しに来たんだ!」"


> 東京15区補選は混戦模様に。
> 産経がマスコミに無視されながらも大健闘の飯山あかり氏の訴えをレポート。

The Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election looks like a crowded battle.
The Sankei Shimbun reported on the appeal of candidate Akari Iiyama (the Conservative Party of Japan), who is fighting well despite being ignored by the media.
It reported that "Why don't (old media) report on me? The reason why is it's inconvenient. I've exposed the lies of TV stations many times and forced them to apologize. I say things that are inconvenient for China too without hesitation. They don't want to send such kind of person to the Diet."
Will the "world of the pro-China faction" change?

>"国政選挙初陣の日本保守党 飯山陽氏「国会議員は誰一人正論言わない」 東京15区補選"