Ref.>"死刑判決の青葉被告の弁護人が控訴 判決に不服 -- 大阪高裁"

>"京アニ放火殺人事件 青葉真司被告に死刑判決! 36人が死亡:京都地裁"

> 甲府放火殺人事件、当時19歳の特定少年が弁護側の控訴取り下げ 死刑判決が確定(2024年2月2日)

↓(See detAIl of this article)、八重山日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Yaeyama Nippo)

Translation; [Beam from the eyes! (164)] (by Osamu Tajima). How I will become a death penalty abolitionist


> 能登半島地震の影にすっかり隠れてしまったが、今年1月ふたつの死刑判決があった事を読者諸君は憶えているだろうか。
> 京都アニメーション放火殺人事件と甲府市の殺人放火事件、それぞれの被告人に対してのものである。

It was completely overshadowed by the Noto Peninsula earthquake, but do readers remember that there were two death sentences in January of this year!?
The cases are against each defendant in the "Kyoto Animation arson murder case" & the "Kofu City murder arson case."

> 片や妄想から死者 36人、重軽傷者 33人という日本犯罪史上最悪の犠牲者を生んだ凶悪事件。
> 片や交際を断られたことを逆恨みし、その両親を殺害、家に放火するという、これまた身勝手極まる理不尽な事件だ。
> 被害者と遺族の無念はいかほどだろう。

One case is the heinous one resulted in the worst casualties in Japanese crime history -- 36 persons dead and 33 ones seriously or slightly injured due to the delusion.
Another case is extremely selfish and unreasonable one that he resented to have been refused a relationship, so he killed her parents and set their house on fire.
How much regret do the victims and their families feel?

> よく「更生の余地」などという言葉を聞くが、更生とはあくまで血の通った人間に許される猶予に過ぎず、この二名のような「人の皮を被った外道」には、命でもって償わせるのが妥当というか、それがむしろ慈悲といえるだろう。
I often hear words such as "room for for rejuvenation. However, rejuvenation is nothing more than a reprieve granted to full-blooded human beings. It's appropriate to make "scumbags wearing human skin" like these two ones pay with their lives. Or rather, it can be said that it is rather mercy.

> もちろん、法律も人間が作るもので完璧ではありえない。
> 死刑制度にも問題があることは百も承知だ。
> 冤罪はいかなることがあっても避けなくてはいけない。
> また、時折湧いて出てくる「死刑になりたかったから人を殺しました」なる宇宙人の類にはいかに対処すべきか。
> 死刑があるから犯罪が起きるという倒錯した論理を許してはなるまい。
> 岩田温氏は、そのためにも「死刑よりも過酷な刑罰」が必要だと語る。
> なかなかブンガク的だ。

Of course, laws are created by humans, they therefore can't be perfect.
I know well enough that there are problems with the death penalty system.
False accusations must be avoided at all costs.
In addition, how should we deal with the kind of aliens who sometimes come up and say that "I killed person(s) because I wanted to be sentenced to death."
We must not allow the perverted logic that crimes occur because of the death penalty.
Atsushi Iwata says that, for this reason, "punishment harsher than the death penalty" is necessary.
It's quite literary.

> 僕は死刑制度やむなしの立場ではあるが、頑迷な死刑存続論者でもないつもりだ。

My position is that the death penalty system is unavoidable. However, I don't mean to be a bigoted supporter of the death penalty.
I even think that if the existence of "hell" is scientifically proven and it becomes possible to visualize sinners being burned in hellfire, it's possible to convert to a death penalty abolitionist within that day.

> ブラックホールでさえその存在が確認されたのだ、地獄の発見も遠い未来でもないかもしれぬ。
> その上で、地獄の様子を刑務所にいる外道どもに毎日見せ続けさせればいい。
> 臓器を焼かれ、血の池に沈み、針の山に肉を裂かれる亡者の終わりなき阿鼻叫喚を見せつけ、「お前の行く場所だよ」と言い聞かせてやるのだ。
> それこそがまさに「死刑よりも過酷な刑罰」ではないか。
> 冤罪もなくなるし、いや、凶悪犯罪自体が激減するだろう。

Even black holes have been confirmed to exist, therefore discovery of hell may not even be in the distant future.
Then we had better keep showing scumbags in prisons what hell is like every day. To show the endless cries of dead persons -- having their organs burned, sinking into pools of blood, and having their flesh torn apart by piles of needles -- and tell them that "This is the place you will go."
It's exactly "punishment harsher than the death penalty," isn't it!?
There will be no more false accusations too, or rather, violent crimes themselves will be drastically reduced.

> おっと、死刑を語ると、ついブンガク的になってしまうようである。
> もっとも、理科系頭脳を持ち合わせていない僕にとって、ブラックホールの存在さえ十分にブンガク的ではあるが。

Oh, when I talk about the death penalty, it seems like I end up getting unintentionally literary.
However, for someone like me without a scientific brain, even the existence of black holes is quite literary.