Ref.>'トランプ氏裁判の NY州裁判所前で… 男性 "焼身"搬送も死亡'



>"本間奈々さん「アイヌの伝統漁とか言って禁漁期間に 60匹のサケをとって同情を装った紋別アイヌの畠山さんには驚きました」「水産業の経営者で高級車を乗り回し、どうみてもお金に困ってるようには見えない」"


Translation;X-posted "rather honorable" = LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) provocated a (* leftist activist) civic organization in Yamaguchi City, which (* unfairly) problematized her behaviors

>"杉田氏、言動非難の市民団体挑発 「むしろ名誉」と X投稿、山口"

> 自民党の杉田水脈衆院議員(比例中国)は19日までに、杉田氏の言動を問題視し公式行事に招かないよう山口市に求めた市民団体に対し、X(旧ツイッター)で挑発とも受け取れる投稿をした。
>「>"安倍晋三元首相の国葬や県民葬に反対していた心ない "市民団体"に非難されるのは、むしろ名誉なこと"」と書き込んだ。
> 投稿は13日付。

In response to a civic organization, which problematized behaviors by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) and requested the Yamaguchi City authority not to invite her to an orricial event, by April 19, Sugita posted a comment possible to recognize as provocation on her X (formerly Twitter) account.
She X-posted that 'It's rather honorable to be criticized by a heartless "civic organization" that opposed former PM Shinzo Abe's state funeral and prefectural funeral.'
It was posted on April 13.

> 杉田氏は昨年、アイヌなどへの差別的言動により法務当局から人権侵犯認定された。
> 市民団体「総がかり行動山口地区実行委員会」は、山口市で1月に開かれた「二十歳のつどい」に来賓で招かれた杉田氏の出席と式での発言を問題視。
> 11日に記者会見し、今後招待しないよう市に求めた。

Last year, Sugita was (* unfairly) acknowledged human rights violation by the (* Sapporo- and Osaka) justice bureaus over her (* not) discriminately behaviors against the (* fake) Ainu people and so on (* but leftist-activists she saw at the U.N. Office at Geneva).
A (* leftist activist) civic organiztion, "the whole action organizer commitee in Yamaguchi area" (correct name in English is unknown), problematized Sugita's attendance at "20 years old assembly" in Yamaguchi City in January, who was invited as an official guest, and her remarks at the ceremony.
It held a press briefing on April 11, and requested the city authority not to invite her from now on.