Ref.>"【世論調査】岸田内閣支持率 22% 3ヶ月ぶり 20%台回復 ← なぜ?"

>"島根で車座対話… 岸田首相に参加者が苦言「党員として恥ずかしい」"




Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/21)


> 立憲民主党が提出した "婚姻平等法案"は「夫婦、夫、妻を "婚姻の当事者"」「父母、父、母を "親"」と呼べというトンでもない代物。
> 日本の社会を支えてきた最小単位の家族や、戸籍制度をどうしても破壊したい左翼勢力。
> 日本を根本的にひっくり返したい立憲はその先に「どんな日本を築きたい」のだろうか

The "marriage equality bill" submitted by the CDPJ is an extraordinary one, to make "couple, husband and wife to be called [parties to a marriage]" and "parents, father and mother to be called "parents."
Leftist forces desperately want to destroy the family and family registration system, the smallest units that have supported Japanese society, by all means.
What kind of Japan does the CDPJ, which wants to fundamentally overturn Japan, want to build in the future?




> 制度や秩序に穴があけば国は壊れていく。
> 左翼活動家の基本思想だ。
> 昨年 LGBT法を成立させた左翼は、騙し易い "秀才君"集団の自民党を掌で転がし、一挙に同性婚、夫婦別姓、戸籍制度の破壊を目論む。
>#飯山あかり 氏の解説動画が興味深い

If a hole is made in the system or order, a state will be collapsing.
This is the basic ideology of leftist activists.
The leftists, who passed the LGBT law last year, have been plotting "same-sex marriage," "separate surnames for married couples" and to destroy "family registration system" all at once, by manipulatinig the LDP, which is a group of "brilliant persons" who are easy to deceive.
"Rights" will become a monster, and eventually it will become necessary to recognize marriage between parent and child and between siblings.
The explanation-footage of candidate Akari Iiyama (the Conservative Party of Japan in Tokyo constituency 15th by-election) is interesting.



> 左翼とマスコミと司法の "共同作業"で出来た東京15区補選の選挙妨害。
> 秋葉原や札幌での安倍首相への選挙妨害を "言論の自由の行使"として応援し、逆に妨害された側を糾弾したマスコミ。
> しかも地裁レベルで司法が破壊者の側に軍配を上げるお粗末さ。
> 左翼の秩序破壊が大手を振る国の当然の帰結

Election interference in the Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election was the result of a "joint effort" between the leftists, the media and the judiciary.
The mass media, which supported the election interference against (then) PM Abe in Akihabara and Sapporo as an "exercise of freedom of speech," and on the contrary denounced the side who were interfered with.
Moreover, the poorness that judiciary at the district court level ruled favorably on the vandals.
It's natural outcome of the country dominated by disruption of order by the leftists.


>"衆院東京15区補選で「選挙妨害」警視庁が違反警告 怒る小池百合子知事「経験したことがない」"