
> 韓国 DJイベント主催者vs添田詩織市議!中国系企業発言で訴訟騒動!一方、モスバーガーは韓国風バーガーで落目の韓流れ

↓(See detAIl of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation;In a "Public money is freely flowing into the Chinese-line company" remark lawsuit, Shiori Soeda, city councilor in Sennan City in Osaka Pref. required to dismiss the complaint

>"「中国系に公金ダダ漏れ」発言訴訟 大阪・泉南の添田市議は請求棄却求める"

> 大阪府泉南市の添田詩織市議のインタビュー記事やインターネット上での発言で名誉を傷つけられたとして、イベント企画会社「TryHard Japan」(大阪市)が添田市議らに計1100万円の損害賠償などを求めた訴訟の第1回口頭弁論が19日、大阪地裁(達野ゆき裁判長)であった。
> 添田氏側は請求棄却を求め、争う姿勢を示した。

On April 19, the 1st oral argument was held at the Osaka District Court (presiding judge Yuki Tatsuno) in a lawsuit filed by the event planning company "TryHard Japan" (Osaka City) seeking damages totaling \11 million from City Councilpr Soeda, etc., saying that its honor was damaged by in interview article(s) and online remarks by Shiori Soeda, city councilor in Sennan City, Osaka Pref.
The Soeda's side required to dismiess the complaint and showed her stance to dispute.

> 訴状によると、添田氏は昨年2月、週刊誌上で同社を「中国系企業」と指摘し、多額の公金が「中国系企業に〝ダダ漏れ〟している」などと述べたという。
> 同社によると、大付楽洋(おおつきらくよう)代表取締役は以前、中国籍だったものの現在は日本国籍。
> この日、大付氏は意見陳述し、「政治家が票集めという私利私欲のために、事実無根のヘイトスピーチで私たちや家族を傷つけている」と訴えた。

According to the written complaint, Soeda referred to the company as a "Chinese-line company" in a weekly magazine last February, and said that 'large amount of public money is "freely flowing into" the Chinese companies."
According to the company, President Rakuyo Otsuki was previously a Chinese citizen, but has now a Japanese nationality.
On this day, Otsuke expressed his opinion and appealed that "A politician is hurting us and our familiy-members with baseless hate speech for the sake of gaining votes."

> 添田氏は取材に対し、具体的な反論は今後するとしつつ、「公益性の観点からの指摘でヘイトスピーチには当たらない。数多くの公共的な事業を請け負っている立場で、疑惑の指摘を受けるのは当然のことだ」と述べた。
> 同社は各地で音楽イベントや花火大会などの企画・運営を手がけ、韓国の人気タレント「DJ SODA」さんが出演した昨年8月の泉南市での音楽イベントも主催している。

In response to a coverage, while saying that concrete counterarguments would be done from now on, Soeda said that "This is a pointing out made from the perspective of public interest, and does not fall under hate speech. In a position that undertakes many public projects, it is only natural to be made suspicioous pointing out."
The company has been involved in the planning and management of music events and fireworks displays in various locations, and also hosted a music event in Sennan City last August in which popular S. Korean performer DJ SODA appeared.