Ref.>"G7に韓国落選 韓国はグローバル中枢国家ではない"



Translation;Seoul City Councilors of the ruling party in S. Korea will possibly be punished regarding the "Rising Sun Flag tolerate by-law" -- the PPP has started an investigation


> 第 22代国会議員総選挙を控えて公共の場所で旭日旗の使用制限を廃止する案を発議していた「国民の力」所属のソウル市議会議員らが党レベルの調査を受けることになった。

It's fixed that members of the Seoul City Councilors belonging to the Poeple Power Party (PPP), who proposed an idea to abolish restriction on the use of the Rising Sun flag in public places ahead of the 22nd national assembly general election, will be investigated at the party level.
To summarize the coverage of "Edaily", on April 17, the city council members belonging to "PPP," who agreed to the "Rising Sun Flag Ordinance" were requested on that day by the PPP floor leader to submit a report about the process to become to suppor the idea.

> これに先立ち、3日にソウル市議会議員のキム・キリョン氏は、「日本帝国主義象徴物の公共の場所などでの使用制限に関する条例」廃止案を発議して、1日で撤回していた。
> この条例案は 2021年1月に公布されたもので、日本の旭日旗と日本帝国主義を連想させる象徴物をソウル内の公共の場所に展示したり販売できないようにした内容を含んでいる。

In prior to that, on April 6, the Seoul City Councilor Kim Gil-young proposed a bill to abandon "the by-law to prohibit use of symbols of the Japanese imperialism including the Rising Sun Flag in the public spaces," but retracted it one day later.
The by-law is the one promulgated in January 2021, which contains the contents to prohibit display and sale the Japanese Rising Sun Flag and symbols to associate with the Japanese imperialism in public spaces in Seoul.

> 当時、キム・キリョン議員は「すでに市民らに反帝国主義の意識が十分に浸透しており、帝国主義象徴物の使用に拒否感を持っている」という理由で条例案の廃止を主張した。
> また、「帝国主義象徴物に対する公共使用制限を条例で規定するのは過度だと判断される」とし「教育と広報を通じて、市民らの歴史認識の改善案を模索することが望ましい」と伝えた。
> 廃止案に同意した「国民の力」所属のソウル市議会議員らは19人にのぼる。

Around that time, Repl Kim Gil-young argued to abandon the by-law due to the reason that "Citizens are already sufficiently aware of the anti-imperialism and have a sense of rejection to use of symbols of imperialism."
In addition, he said that "It can be judged that it's excessive to stipulate restriction of use the symbols of imperialism in public spaced" and conveyed that "It's desirable to seek improvement-idea of historic view of the citizens via education and PR."
The number of Seoul City councilors belongin "PPP," who agreed with the abandonment-bill, was 19.

> 当時、総選挙を約1週間後に控えた時点でこのような論議が起こると、当時の「国民の力」非常対策委員長であったハン・ドンフン氏は、「綱領に3・1独立運動精神を受け継いだことを明示した『国民の力』の立場とは相反する」とし「該当条例案の廃止を発議した市議会議員らに対しては、党レベルの調査後に厳正な措置をとる」と警告した。
When such discussion emerged ahead of the general election about one week later, then chairperson of the emergency leadership committee of the "PPP," Han Dong-hoon, explained that "it contradicts with the position of the [PPP], which stipulates in the platform to succeed the March 1 independent movement" and warned that "To city councilors who proposed to ablish the by-law, we will take strict measures after in investigation at the party level."