


>【右向け右】第518回 - 上田令子・東京都議会議員 × 花田紀凱(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/20)


> 緑を潰して広がる日本のソーラーパネルも罪だが、陽光が照りつける砂漠地帯も実は "大迷惑"。
> 砂漠ではご覧のように降り積もった砂を洗浄する為に大量の水が必要で、むしろ渇水が深刻化している、と。
> 日照時間が少なく、雪も多い北国でも太陽光発電への疑問の声は大きい。
> 笑うのは業者と再エネ議連だけ

Japan's solar panels spreading while ruining green are sin too, but indeed they are "huge nuisance" even in desert areas where the sun shines.
As you can see, in the desert, a large amount of water is required to wash away the sand that has fallen, making the drought even more serious.
Even in northern countries where there is little sunlight and a lot of snow, there are many voices of doubt about solar power generation.
The only ones laughing are the vendors and the LDP renewable energy legislators league.



> 東京15区補選で行われている目を覆う妨害行為。
> 札幌地裁が 2022年3月、安倍元首相の演説を妨害するヤジ連呼の活動家の肩を持ち、警察に賠償を命じた瞬間から "この事態"は予想できた。
> 今度は候補者となって妨害する事にエスカレート。
> 有権者の "演説を聴く権利"が侵害されても動けない警察。
> 崩壊する日本

The obstructive act, which is carried out in the Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election.
It's possible to predict "this situation" since the moment when the Sapporo District Court ordered the police to pay compensation in March 2022 for siding with the heckling activists who disrupted former PM Abe's speech.
This time, it escalated to becoming a candidate and interfering with it.
Police remain unmoved even when voters' "right to hear speeches" is violated.
Japan has been collapsing.




> 民主主義の根幹の選挙すら "妨害なし"にはできなくなった日本。
> 司法が左翼化するとこうなる事を国民は認識を。
> 有権者が貴重な1票を投じる為の "演説を聴く権利"が奪われているのに裁判所は2年前、ヤジ連呼の "表現の自由"とやらに軍配を上げ警察敗訴。
> 喜んだ極左は日本の選挙そのものを破壊中。
> これが日本

Japan, where even an election, the foundation of democracy, can't be done without interference.
The nationals should realize that this is the outcome, when the judiciary shifts to the left.
Two years ago, a court ruled in favor of the "freedom of expression" of the hecklers, and the police lost the case, even though voters were being deprived of their "right to hear speeches" in order for casting their precious votes.
The overjoyed extreme leftists have been destroying Japan's elections themselves.
This is japan.



> 韓国の国立墓地・顕忠院や米のアーリントン墓地には行っても絶対にペリー来航以来の国事殉難者 246万6千人が祀られている九段の靖国神社には行かない岸田首相。
> 国家観も歴史観も持ち得ない政治家が国際社会で軽んじられるのは当然。
> 悲願の総理にはなったのだから、これ以上日本を崩壊させる前に引退を

Even though he goes to the National Cemeteries (* national cemeteries where national meritorious persons are enshrined) in S. Korea and the Arlington National Cemetery in the U.S., it's PM Fumio Kishida who never goes to Yasukuni Shrine in Kudan, where the 2,466,000 persons who died in national affairs since Perry's arrival are enshrined.
It is only natural that a politician with neither the state-view nor historical view is looked down in the international community.
As he has become the prime minister as he desired earnestly, that he should step down before he collapses Japan any further.