

>【うわぁ~()いろいろやってますねぇ~()】政党交付金 6.29億円のれ組について X民「れいわが今年やった事…」→ 政党交付金 6.29円のれ組が今年やった事がコチラ

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 4/20)


> 三重交通がフェミニストからの批判に耐えて、公式キャラクターの名称を決定。
> よく頑張りました。

Mie Kotsu Co., Ltd. has decided on the name of its official character after enduring criticism from feminists.
You did a great job.

>"三重交通 ネットで話題集めた公式キャラの名称決定 「性的だ」批判に屈せず…「素晴らしい企業対応」"

> れいわの山本太郎氏が、国会での不穏当な発言で処分か。
> まさに「中二病」。
> 被災地で松葉杖でたたずむ俺とか、あの変な踊りもその類だろう。

Will Reiwa-Shinsengumi's Taro Yamamoto possibly be punished for his disturbing remark in the Diet?
When I was in junior high and high school, I used to say things like "Japan is a colony." However, even though he is a member of the Diet, it is extremely painful for him to say so seriously.
It's exactly "eighth-grader syndrome."
Me standing on crutches in the disaster striken area and that strange dance are probably of the same type.



> そういう具体的な問題点を指摘して、改善案を提案すればいいのであって、山本太郎氏みたいに「日本は植民地でアメリカには何にも言えない」といった類の決めつけは幼児性から来る短絡的な暴言です。
It's acceptable to point out such specific problems and suggest improvement. However, taro Yamamoto's assertions such as "Japan is a colony and possible say to the U.S. nothing" are short-sighted and abusive words due to his childishness.



> 維新・馬場代表「自分たちの都合の悪いことは、言うだけで絶対やらない。そして、政治とお金の問題にかこつけて、本来やるべき議論をやらない。いい例が憲法審査会だ。野党第一党の資格はない。立憲民主党には投票しないでください」
> 誰が見ても、立憲民主党についてはこれに尽きる。

Nippon Ishin leader Baba said that "When it comes to things that are inconvenient for them, talk only but no deed. And using a matter of politics and money as an excuse, they don't have the debate we should have. A good example is the Commission on the Constitution. It doesn't have qualification as the largest opposition party. Please do not vote for the CDPJ."
No matter who looks at it, this is all what we can say about the CDPJ.

>"維新・馬場伸幸代表「立民には投票しないでください」 衆院補選で舌戦過熱"

> 自民党の麻生太郎副総裁が 22〜25日にニューヨークを訪問してトランプ前大統領との面会を模索。
> トランプ政権下で安倍さんの役割を補完するのは麻生さんになるのか。

LDP Vice President Taro Aso will visit New York from April 22 to 25 to seek to hold a meeting with former President D. Trump.
Will Aso be the one to complement Abe's role under the Trump administration?