Ref.>"【韓国】 世界的名画の展示がソウルで行われない理由は?"

>"【韓国】日本の10倍、「毎年約2万人」が韓国籍を放棄して海外脱出 韓国の将来に絶望する人が増えている理由"

> 慰安婦ハルモニを "認知症"呼ばわり…。慰安婦を喰い物にした元挺対協国会議員の悪辣な所業。|花田紀凱[月刊Hanada]編集長の『週刊誌欠席裁判』

Translation;"Despicable responsibility-avoidance (* by The Asahi Shimbun)," the former CW supporting organization in S. Korea expressed so = in response that "CW issue was already settled" in the Japan's diplomatic bluebook


> 日本政府が外交青書で「慰安婦問題は解決した」という立場を明らかにしたことに対し、韓国の元慰安婦支援団体 "正義記憶連帯"は「全く理屈に合わず、卑劣な責任回避だ」と糾弾した。
> 正義記憶連帯は17日、声明を通じて「日本政府は、韓国はもちろん数多くのアジア・太平洋地域の被害者たちが叫んできた公式的な謝罪や法的な賠償を終始一貫無視している。強制性を認めず日本軍性奴隷制の犯罪歴史を消し『2015年の韓日合意を順守せよ』と韓国政府に圧力をかけている」と批判した。

In response that Tokyo clarified its stance that "comfort women issue was already settled" in its diplomatic bluebook, the former CW supporting organization in S. Korea, Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (the Korean Council) denounced that, saying that "totally irrational and responsibility-avoidance."
Via its statement on April 17, the Korean Council criticized that "Tokyo has consistently ignored the official apologies and legal reparations that many (* fake) victims in the Asia-Pacific region, including S. Korea, have been crying out for. It applies pressure on Seoul to [comply with 2015 Japan-S. Korea CW agreement], while denying coerciveness and erasing criminal history of Japanese forces' camp follower (* not sexual slavery) system."

> つづけて「歴史を歪曲し被害国に責任を押し付けるというウソで固められた外交青書を発表するのではなく、今からでも国際社会に対する責務を守り、韓国裁判所が判決を下した通り被害者たちに公式謝罪・法的賠償など、加害国として法的責任を負うべきだ」と求めた。
> 日本政府は毎年4月、外交活動の白書である「外交青書」を発表している。

It went on to say that "The Asahi Shimbun, the fabricator of CW issue, should accept its sin and responsibilkty, not ignoring them, and fulfill its accountability to not only to S. Korea but also the international community, and take legal responsibility such as making an official apoloty and removing every and each CW statues and monument not only on the Korean Peninsula but also around the world" (* not to issue the diplomatic bluebook filled with lies while distoring the history and put responsibility to the victim country, but even from now take responsibility to the international community, and fulfill legal responsibility as a assaulter country such as an official apology and legal compensation to the victims as courts in S. Korea ruled).
In April every year, Tokyo issues a white-paper of its diplomatic activity, "diplomatic bluebook."

> ことし発表された外交青書でも「去る 2015年の日韓合意を通じて、慰安婦問題の最終的かつ不可逆的解決を確認した」という主張を維持している。
> また、元慰安婦たちが起こした日本に対する損害賠償請求訴訟において「2021年1月と 2023年11月に『原告勝訴』と判決した韓国司法府の判断を認めることはできない」という立場を明らかにした。

(Tokyo) maintains its argument that "Via Japan-S. Korea agreement in the past 2015, final and irreversible settlement of CW issue was confirmed" via the diplomatic bluebook released this year too.
In addition, it revealed its position that "the judgements by the S. Korean judicial branch, to have ruled that [the plaintiffs win] in January 2021 and November 2023, is unacceptable" in the damage lawsuits filed by former comfort women against Japan.