Ref.>"訪日外国人が史上初めて300万人超え 31位は韓国で66万3100人"



>"Army, Marine Corps conduct live-fire drills near border with N. Korea"

> U.S. considering options to continue monitoring N. Korea amid expert panel dismantlement

↓(See detAIl of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation;The Army Capital Corps joint live-fire artillery drills


> 江原道鉄原郡の文恵里射撃場で17日、首都軍団合同砲弾射撃訓練が行われた。
> 写真は、射撃訓練に臨む首都歩兵旅団の K9自走砲。

On April 17, the Army Capital Corps (* and the 2nd Marine Division) joint live-fire artillery drills was conducted at the Munhye-ri shooting range in Cheorwon County, Gangwon Province.
Following photos show K9 (Thunder) self-propelled artilleries of Capital Infantry Brigade conducting the firing drill.