Ref.>"中国アニメが世界で躍進、量から質の時代へ 中国報道"

>"【サッカー】U23日本、初戦10人で中国に1-0勝利 パリ五輪最終予選"

>"EDITORIAL | Kishida Must Buckle Down on Enhanced Deterrence Agenda with US"

>"With Kishida and Marcos in Washington, the Three Leaders Pledge to Uphold the Rule of Law in the Indo-Pacific"

> 玉城知事!沖縄県は日本ですか?それとも中国の領土ですか?【令和元年第4回沖縄県議会】【新垣 新】【沖縄・自民党】【玉城デニー県政 不祥事回顧録】【第5弾】

Translation; Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos welcomes participation of the Japanese SDF in U.S-Philippine exercises

>"米フィリピン演習に自衛隊参加を マルコス大統領が歓迎"

> フィリピンのマルコス大統領はマニラで15日、米比両軍による「バリカタン」など2国間の定期合同演習について「日本の参加は良い動きだと思う」と述べ、オブザーバー参加してきた自衛隊が来年以降、正式参加するのを歓迎する意向を示した。
> 外国の記者団と会見した。

Concerning the bilateral regular joint exericises by U.S. and Philippine Forces inclduing "Balikatan", on April 15 in Manila, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said that "I think that participation by Japan will be a good move," and showed his intention to welcome formal participation of the Japanese SDF since next year, which has participated in it as an observer,
He held a press briefing with foreign reporters.

> マルコス氏は、中国を念頭に南シナ海で最近、「フィリピンは不法で攻撃的かつ無責任な行動を受けている」と非難。
> 米比合同演習への自衛隊の正式参加に「異論はない」とした上で、日米比は「平和と安定、航行の自由を維持し、国際法の順守を徹底する」目標に向けて「保有する力を最大限に活用できる」と訴えた。

Taking China in mind, President Marcos accused that recently "the Philippines has been subject to to illegal, aggressive and irresponsible actions" in the South China Sea.
After saying that "I have no objection" to the SDF's formal participation in joint U.S.-Philippine exercises, he appealed that the U.S., Japan and the Philippines "will be able to use the power we have at most" for the purpose to "maintain peace, stability and freedom of navigation, and ensure thorough compliance with international law."