Ref.>"社民党副党首「戦争はつらい… あらゆる戦争を止めたい」"


>【4K】桜満開!千鳥ヶ淵緑道 & 靖国神社 2024

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 4/14)


> 先週は毎日委員会が開かれ、バタバタでしたが、隙間時間に靖國神社と千鳥ヶ淵に桜を見に行ってきました🌸
> 前日の嵐のような雨と風の為、花より葉が目立つ樹も多くなっていましたが、散り際の桜は満開とはまた違った良さがあります。

Last week, committee meetings were held every day, I was therefore very busy. However, during my free time, I went to see the cherry blossoms at Yasukuni Shrine and Chidorigafuchi.
Due to the storm-like rain and wind on the previous day, there were many trees with more leaves than flowers, but just falling cherry blossoms had a different beauty from full blooming ones.
(to be continued)

(to continue). Aki-san, who invited me and was returning Japan from Paris, thank you very much😊