Ref.>"【韓国】「ストローが入ってない」 店に押し掛け店主に土下座を強要"



> China's No. 3 official visiting Pyongyang to kickstart "year of friendship"

↓(See detAIl of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Zhao Leji, the 3rd place in the CCP hierarchy, held a meeting with Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang and agreed in upgrading the bilateral cooperative relations

>"中国序列3位が平壌で金正恩氏と会談 協力関係の強化で一致"

> 中国共産党序列3位の趙楽際(ちょう・らくさい)全国人民代表大会(全人代)常務委員長は13日、北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記と平壌で会談した。
> 中国国営新華社通信によると、趙氏は「中朝関係がさらなる発展を収めるよう推進したい」と表明。
> 双方は「伝統的な友好協力関係」の強化で一致した。
> 中国側によると、金氏は中朝協力の発展を「確固不動の方針だ」と強調し、「伝統的な友情を深めたい」と訴えた。

On April 13, Zhao Leji, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress who is the 3rd place in the Chinese Communist Party hierarchy, held a meeting with N. Korean General Secretary of the WPK Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang.
According to state-run Xinhua News Agency in China, Zhao Leji said that "We want to promote further development of Sino-N. Korea relations."
Both sides agreed to upgrade their "traditional friendly and cooperative relationship."
According to the Chinese side, Kim Jong-un emphasized that development of Sino-N. Korea was a "firm and unwavering policy" and appealed to "deepen traditional friendship."

> 趙氏は12日に平壌で行われた中朝国交樹立 75年の記念行事の開幕式に出席するため訪朝した。
> 趙氏は中朝関係について「善隣友好で共に戦い、運命を共にし、共に発展した 75年だった」と指摘。

Zhao Leji visited N. Korea in order to attend the opening ceremony of the 75 anniversary commemorative events of the Sino-N. Korea diplomatic relations normalization in Pyongyang on April 12.
Concerning Sino-N. Korea relations, Zhao Leji pointed out that "It's been 75 years we fought together, shared a common destiny and developed together in good neighborliness."
He said that "China's party and government always treat Sino-N. Korea relations from a strategic height and long-term perspective" and expressed that, other than providing working-level cooperation, "we will continuously and strongly support and protect the two sides' common interests mutually."

> 中朝両国は国交樹立 75年を迎える今年を「中朝友好年」と位置付けている。
> 両国は11日、外交・公用ビザを相互免除する文書を交わしており、新型コロナウイルス禍で止まっていた高官らの往来を活発化させるとみられる。

Both China and N. Korea have designated this year, which marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, as the "Year of Sino-N. Korea Friendship."
On April 11, the two countries exchanged a document providing mutual exemption from diplomatic and official visas. It's therefore anticipated that mutual visit of high-ranking officials and others will be activated, which has been halted due to COVID-19 pandemic.