Ref.>"【韓国総選挙】 最大野党の「単独過半数」確実"





> Biden, Kishida stress N. Korea denuclearization goal during summit

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 4/11)


> れいわ新選組の山本太郎代表が学校の騒音問題で米軍を批判する質問。

Reiwa-shinsengumi representative Taro Yamamoto criticized the USFJ regarding noise problem at school.
I want something is done to the very organization that make loud noises harmful to children, such as "Give me the cash!".

>"れいわ・山本太郎氏 学校近辺の〝騒音問題〟で質疑「原因を作っている組織は米軍と言います」"


> ヨーロッパで原発新設の動きが強まり、脱原発のドイル(ママ)など環境派とフランスなど原発推進派が EU内で激しく政治対立。
In Europe, there is a growing move to build new nuclear power plants, therefore there is a fierce political conflict within the E.U. between environmentalists, such as de-nuclear power Germany, and those who support nuclear power, such as France.

>"欧州で原発再興の動き 政治対立は必至【日英字幕付き】"


> 暇空さんを全面支持。
> 暇空さんはフェミニズムを根拠に温泉むすめを否定する勢力から日本文化における表現の自由を守る戦いを展開している。

> 下の一文は萌え系に新しい保守のあり方が潜在していると、萌え系を新しい日本文化の守護者として評価したものだったが、内容を理解せず(というか、読みもせず)タイトルだけで批判する人が続出した。

I totally support (* Akane) Himasora.
Himasora has been developing a battle to defend freedom of expression in the Japanese culture from powers rejecting hot springs girls based on feminism.

The following article evaluates the "moe (captivating)" genre as the guardian of a new Japanese culture, saying that a new form of maintenance is latent. Nevertheless, many persons criticized it based solely on the title without understanding (or rather, not even reading) the content.




> 韓国総選挙は野党「共に民主党」が 300議席中170議席を確保する勢いで大勝。
> 尹大統領の与党は110議席程度にとどまる見込みで、早くもレイムダック化の懸念が出てきた。

When it comes to the general election in S. Korea, the opposition "Democratic Party of Korea" got a lansslide victory with the momentum to secure 170 seats of 300 ones.
It's forecasted that the ruling party of the President Yoon Suk-yeol will only secure around 110 seats, it's therefore already concerned to become lame-duck.

>"韓国総選挙、与党敗北108議席 野党は過半数獲得"


> 習近平主席と台湾の馬英九前総統が北京で会談。
> 習主席は、台湾統一に改めて意欲を示し、馬氏が「争いを棚上げすることで、平和と発展をともに追求すべきだ」と応じる。
> 日米より一致していない。

Chinese President Xi Jinping and former Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou held a meeting in Beijing.
President Xi reiterated his will to unify with Taiwan, while Ma responded that "We should pursue peace and development together by puting the conflict on shelve.
They disagree each other more than between the U.S. and Japan.

>"中国 習主席と台湾 馬前総統が会談 習主席が頼次期総統けん制"