
> Biden, Kishida to announce new U.S.-Japan military partnership efforts

Translation; A bipartisan of U.S. Senate members submitted a resolution affirming the alliance and confirming the application of the security treaty to the Senkaku Islands

>"尖閣諸島へ安保条約適用確認 米上院超党派、同盟確認の決議案"

> 米上院の超党派議員団は9日、岸田文雄首相の国賓待遇での訪米を歓迎し、日米同盟の重要性を確認する決議案を提出した。
> 沖縄県・尖閣諸島が米国による防衛義務を定めた日米安保条約第5条の適用対象だと明記した。

On April 9, a bipartisan U.S. Senate members has submitted a resolution welcoming PM Fumio Kishida's visit to the U.S. as a state guest and affirming the importance of the U.S.-Japan alliance.
It specifies that the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Pref. is subject to Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, which stipulates the U.S.' obligation to defend (Japan).

> 共同提出者には上院外交委員会の民主党カーディン委員長と共和党リッシュ筆頭委員のほか、駐日大使を務めた共和党ハガティ上院議員、民主党の日系ヒロノ上院議員らが名を連ねた。
> 決議案は、岸田政権が防衛力強化の柱となる反撃能力の保有や、防衛費を国内総生産(GDP)比2%に引き上げる方針を決め、国家安全保障戦略の現代化へ「歴史的な一歩を踏み出した」と称賛した。

Other than Senator Ben Cardin (D), Chair of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Senator James E. Risch (R), its Ranking Member, Senator William Francis Hagerty IV (R), former U.S. ambassador to Japan, Japanese-American Senator Mazie Hirono and others are included in the joint submitters.
The resolution praised that the Kishida administration has fixed polities to possess counterattack capabilities, a pillar to upgrade Japan's defense capabilities, and to raise defense spending to 2% of the GDP, and has taken a "historic step" towards modernizing national security strategy.