
> Fight to protect female athletes is 'just common sense': Bruce Blakeman

Translation of X (* tweet) by Reiko Chiba (aka "Chibarei," on '24. 4/9)


> これは当然だよ。
> 大会出場や試合に向けて一生懸命努力し頑張る女子選手らの為にも、こうでなきゃ。
> 格闘競技なら命に関わる事態が起きるかもだし。
> 差別ではなく区別。

This is as a matter of course.
This should be the case for the sake of the female athletes who are making effort and doing their best in order to participate in tournaments and games.
In a fighting competition, even life-threatening situations can occur.
It's distinction rather than discrimination.

>"トランスジェンダーの選手、女子大会出場禁止 全米の大学統括団体 出生時女性とホルモン治療未実施のみ"