
>"【動画】「NHKが東京15区選挙のニュースで飯山あかり氏を静止画で短く紹介。これ公平か?」→ 有本香氏「これは確かに酷い」"

>"乙武洋匡氏 衆院東京15区補選、無所属で立候補表明 → 反応『これの何処が無所属なのか?』『テーブルと背景にベタベタ貼ってあるのは何?』"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/8)


> 安倍元首相死去後、2年も経たない内に完全に左翼リベラル化し、保守・現実派の岩盤支持層にソッポを向かれてしまった自民党。
> とにかく巷は "政権交代を"との声が凄まじい。
> だが自民党にはまだ "日本を守り抜く"高市早苗氏がいる。
> 氏がトップになるしか自民党に、いや日本に生き残る道はないかも知れない

Within two years after the death of former PM Shinzo Abe, the LDP became completely left-wing and liberal, losing support by its rock-solid conservative & pragmatic supporters.
Anyway, the voice on the streets calling for "change of administration" is overwhelming.
However, the LDP still has LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi, who "defends Japan consistently."
It's likely that there are no paths for the LDP or Japan to survive unless she takes to top office.



> 昨日のフジ "日曜報道"で岸田首相の「処分なし」について
>●受けるべき    87%
>●受ける必要なし   9%
>●どちらとも言えない 4%
> 岸田派の会計責任者が立件されたのに「自分だけ処分はない」は誰がどう考えても通じない。
> 憲政史上 "他に類を見ない"ケジメなき首相の「末路」はどうなるのか

In the Fuji Television program "Sunday Report" yesterday, the result of a questionnaire regarding PM Kishida is "no punishment" was as follows:
* should be 87%
* not necessary to be 9%
* impossible to say either way 4%

No matter who and how thinks, it doesn't make sense that even though a case has been filed against the person in charge of accounting of the Kishida faction, "I am the only one who isn't punished.
What will be the fate of this "unparalleled" not distinguishable prime minister in the history of constitutional government?



>「無所属で出馬」と言いながら "ファーストの会"と記した小池百合子知事とのポスターの乙武洋匡氏。
> ファーストの会副代表にも就任したのに小池氏が会見に同席しない謎。
> 不倫問題への創価学会婦人部の反発や、改憲反対への自民支持者の反発もあり、前途に暗雲?
> 早くも小池氏の "危険センサー"が働いたのか

Hirotada Ototake, who says he will run as an independent, uses posters with Gov. Yuriko Koike, on which "Tomin First no Kai" (Tokyoites First) is written.
It's a mystery that Gov. Koike didn't attend the press briefing even though he has assumed the vice representative of the Tomin First no Kai.
With displeasure of the Soka Gakkai Women's Division to the issue of extramarital affairs and displeasure of LDP supporters to opposition to constitutional amendment, is there a dark cloud in the future?
Was Gov. Koike's "danger sensor" already activated?



> 日本列島の緑を潰し、禿山にしてしまう "原資"は私達が負担する多額の再エネ賦課金である。
> これをなくせば、年間1万6千円も電気代が下がり、更に自然破壊も止められる。
> 日本保守党は、これをはっきり宣言している。
> 驕りに満ちた再エネ議連に鉄槌を下し、国土を守る為にも飯山あかり氏には頑張って欲しい

The "original funding" that destroy the greenery of the Japanese archipelago and turn it into bald mountains are the large "renewable energy charges" that we bear.
Eliminating this would reduce electricity bills by \16,000 annually and also stop the destruction of nature.
"The Conservative Party of Japan has clearly declared this.
I want candidate "Akari Iiyama" to do her best in order to punish the arrogant renewable energy lawmakers league and protect the national land.