Ref.>"【話題】『多様性の全部が詰まった セーラームーン』"

>"勝部元気さん「那須ロープウェイのパンフレット、最短ルートに『女性やファミリーに』というコメントが入っていた。 酷い女性蔑視表現!表記を改めよ」"


Translation of X (* tweet) by Minato Ward councilor Kana Shindo (Ind., aka Princess Yuzuka, on '24. 4/7)


> 男性が女子トイレ個室に長時間こもっていても、「多様性」への配慮で、警察に通報もしない!
> これは実際に港区内の商業施設で起こった出来事です。
> 女子トイレの個室が長時間空かず、不審に思って警備員を呼ぶと、中から出てきたのは男性。

> 個室でリラックスしていた、ボーッとしていたとのこと…。
> 当然通報するのかと思いきや、警備会社は警察に通報するのを嫌がったとのこと。
> 結局、時間もなく警備会社の判断に従ったとのことでしたが、通報した当人は悔しがっておりました。

> 女子トイレに男性が入るのは「犯罪」です。
> 盗撮など別の犯罪を行なっている可能性もあります。
> 生理用品を盗むのが趣味という男もいます。
> トイレという個室で暴行を企てる人もいます。

> 女子トイレは生物学的女性が勝ち得てきた基本的人権です。
> 多様性の配慮という名の元に、トイレを男女共用にし、生理のことをオープンに話すなど、女性を危険にさらすような風潮に抗わなくてはなりません。
> 男性が女子トイレに入っていたら迷わず通報しましょう!

Even if a male stayed in a private room in the women's restroom for a long time, out of consideration for "diversity," it doesn't even report it to the police!
This actually happened at a commercial facility in Minato Ward.
As the private room in the women's restroom wasn't opened for a long time, she became suspicious and called security, and it's male who came out from inside.

He was allegedly relaxing in the private room and in a daze...
Naturally, she thought that they would report it, but the security company allegedly didn't want to report it to the police.
In the end, as she didn't have time, she followed the security company's decision. But the person who reported the case was disappointed.

It is a crime for a male to enter a women's restroom.
It's even possible of doing other crimes, such as voyeurism.
Some males have a hobby of stealing sanitary products.
Some persons attempt to commit assault in a private room called restroom.

Women's restroom is a basic human right that biological females have won.
We must resist the trend that put females at risk, such as that, in the name of respecting diversity, making restroom unisex and openly talking about menstruation.
If you see a male entering the women's restroom, don't hesitate to report it!