Ref.>'福島みずほ議員「4月7日が埼玉県坂戸市へ行きます!」→ 反応『なんでこんなに日本語が苦手なんだろ?』『これ、何かの暗号!?』'

>"【難民】れいわ支持者「3回目以降は強制送還?犯罪者でもないのになぜこのような酷い仕打ちを?」→ 小野田紀美議員「不法滞在は犯罪です」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/7)


> NYでは空き家を 30日間不法占拠すると賃貸料を払わなくても "正当な入居者"になれるそうだ。
> その間、光熱費は所有者が払い、勝手に鍵を交換したら所有者の側が逮捕される。
> 家をとられるだけでなく移民の光熱費も負担させられる、と。
> 米民主党の左翼リベラル州は、とにかく悲惨。
> 日本もやがて…

In New York, if you illegally occupy a vacant house for 30 days, you can allegedly become a "legal tenant" without paying rent.
During that time, the owner must pay utility bills, and if the lock is changed without permission, the owner side is arrested.
Not only his or her home is deprived, but also can't be helped but pay the immigrants' utility bills.
The leftist liberal states ruled by the U.S. Democratic Party are thoroughly miserable.
Japan will be also sooner or later...



> 膳場貴子アナが新しい MCになっても「サンモニ」は本質には言及せず、ひたすら "左翼亡国"路線を突き進む。
> パー券の外国人購入問題も言わず、国民の税負担を増やす一方で積極財政派を粛清し、更には岸田派の会計責任者が立件されたのになぜ岸田氏に処分がないのか…等々、少しはまともな事を言えば?

Even though announcer Takako Zenba becomes the new MC, "Sunday Morning" does not mention the essence, but continuously pushes forward on the path of "leftist national ruinning."
Can't it say something a little bit more reasonable -- it didn't even mention the issue of foreigners purchase party tickets, increase the tax burden on the nationals while purging positive fiscal supporters, and even though the person in charge of accounting of the Kishida faction was indicted, why isn't PM Kishida punished...etc.



> 台湾の副総統になる蕭美琴氏が3月のチェコ訪問で車列が空港からプラハ中心部に向かった際、1台の車に尾行され「途中の交差点で赤信号を無視して交通事故を起こされかけたため警察が停止。運転していた人物が中国大使館の軍事部門に属している事が判明」と。
> 蕭氏は中国の制裁対象。
> これが中国共産党の恐怖

When Taiwanese vice President-elect Bi-khim Hsiao went from an airport to the central part of prague in her visit to Czech Republic in March, she was followed by one vehicle, and "At an intersection on the way, the police stopped the vehicle because it almost caused a traffic accident by ignoring a red light. It turned out that the person driving the vehicle belonged to the military department of the Chinese embassy."
Bi-khim Hsiao is a subject to the sanction of China.
It's the fear of the CCP.

>"中国大使館関係者が台湾次期副総統 蕭美琴氏をチェコで尾行か"


>①ハニートラップ対策の導入②政務三役や審議会メンバー等も適性評価の対象に追加、との国民民主党のセキュリティクリアランス法修正案が "賛成少数"で否決された瞬間。
> この2点を入れれば国会に上程する事すらできなかった恐ろしい現実。
> これを国民はどう見るか。
> まず成立させ、中国の影響下にある議員達との闘いを経て、いつかは完成形に

It's the moment when the DPFP's proposed revised security clearance bill is rejected by "minority voting," which addes (1) introduce countermeasures against honey trap (2) the three political officials, council members, etc., are subject to proper evaluation.
The terrible reality is that it can't even be brought before the Diet, if these two points are embedded.
How do the nationals view this?
Let's pass it 1st, fight against legislators who are under the Chinese-influences, and then make it into a final form someday.



> 山下真・奈良県知事が昨年開催の東アジア地方政府会議で習近平の人類運命共同体構築を称賛した事が中国メディアで報道。
> 何でも「山下知事は各国の地方政府の交流で相互の信頼を高め、人類運命共同体を構築する事ができる」と述べたそうな。
> 五條市での異常な太陽光発電への執着など、全てに合点がいく

It's reported by media in China that Nara Gov. Makoto Yamashita praised Xi Jinping's building a community with a shared future for humanity at the "east Asia local government conference" last year.
Well, it's reported that "Gov. Yamashita said that it's possible to increase mutual trust through exchanges between local governments in each country and build a community with a shared future for humanity."
Everything makes sense, including his unusual obsession with solar power generation in Gojo City.

>"志合越山海,携手向未来 ——第十二届东亚地方政府会议侧记"