Ref.>"グレタ・トゥーンベリさん、交通妨害で逮捕… in オランダ"

>"百田尚樹氏「須藤さん、降りてくだない」→ 須藤元気氏「それは無理です」"

>'中学12年、学校に行ってなかったゆたぼんくん、内申点の差で "不合格"!?「ぼくの方が点数が倍以上だった」'

>'膳場貴子アナ(東大医学部出)、サンモニ初登場から "アベガー"全開… 紅こうじ健康被害問題に「安倍政権時代の規制緩和…制度設計に甘さが」'

> 岸田総理 TSMC工場視察 第2工場は菊陽町に

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 4/7)


> グレタ・トゥーンベリさんがオランダのヘーグで幹線道路の通行を妨げた廉で二度拘束される。
> 嫌がらせがお仕事。

Greta Thunberg was detained twice in the Hague, Netherlands, for obstructing traffic on a highway.
Harassment is her job.

>"Greta Thunberg detained twice at demonstration in The Hague"


> これだけ話題になっているのに、すごいな。
> さすがは立憲民主党だ。

Even though it has become a topic so much, it's amazing.
As expected, it's the CDPJ.



> 清和会幹部として1年間の党員資格停止になった自民党の西村康稔氏(兵庫9区)が兵庫県明石市でビラ配り。
> がんばってください。

LH lawmaker Yasutoshi Nishimura of (LDP, the 9th electoral constituency in Hyogo Pref.) -- as a Seiwakai executive, whose party membership has been suspended for one year -- handed out flyers in Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture.
He repeatedly said that "I'm going back to basics," and attempts to make a comeback from "grassroots."
Good luck.

>"西村氏、有権者にビラまき謝罪 自民裏金事件で地元明石入り 再起図る決意繰り返す"


> 台湾 TSMCが6-7ナノ半導体を製造する熊本第2工場を第1工場と同じ菊陽町に建設することを発表。
> 2027年末の稼働予定。

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (TSMC) released to construct its 2nd factory, which will produce 6-7 nanometer semiconductors, in the same location as the 1st one, "Kikuyo Town."
It's scheduled to start its operation at the end of 2027.

>"半導体大手・TSMC、第2工場も熊本・菊陽町に… 27年末に稼働開始へ"


> 中国で外国企業幹部が当局から足止めされて出国できない事例が多発。
> 中には何年も中国を出られない人も。
> 企業が民事訴訟されると、ささいなものでも、無関係でも、退職していても、関係者として出国できないことがあり、ビジネスパーソンに恐怖がとか。

In China, there are many cases in which foreign company executives are prohibited by authorities and unable to leave the country.
Even some persons can't leave China for years.
When a company is filed a civil lawsuit, even if the case is trivial, unrelated, or retired, he or she may not be able to leave the country as a concerned party. Therefore fear is allegedly spreading among business persons.

>"中国で「出国禁止」多発 外国企業幹部が足止め|WSJ"


> ゆたぼんが高校受験で残念な結果に。
> 一緒に勉強をしていた友人と自己採点をしたら、ゆたぼんさんの方が点数が倍以上だったが、友人は合格し、ゆたぼんは不合格。
> 中学1年と2年生で学校に行ってなかった分の内申点が響いたそうだ。
> 親が悪いよ。

Yutabon received the disappointing result in his high school entrance exam.
When he graded by himself with a friend with whom he studied together, Yutabon's score was more than double. However, the friend passed while Yutabon failed.
It's allegedly impacted by the "school report," as he didn't go to school when he was 1st and 2nd year junior high school student.
His parent (* father) is responsible for that.