

> 国基研チャンネル 第 525回「真の『平和国家』とは」 織田邦男(元空将)

Translation; Joint trainings will be conducted in the South China Sea on April 7 = the U.S., Japan, Australia and Philippines are in solidarity to deal with China and issued a joint statement

>"南シナ海で共同訓練、7日に実施 日米豪比声明、対中で結束"

> 日本、米国、オーストラリア、フィリピン4カ国は6日、南シナ海で海上自衛隊や各国海軍が参加する共同訓練を7日に実施するとした防衛相らの共同声明を発表した。
> 南シナ海ではフィリピン船が中国の威圧にさらされる中、日米豪3カ国がフィリピンとの結束をアピールする狙い。
> 共同訓練を4カ国による初の「海上協同活動」と位置付けた。

On April 6, four countries -- the U.S., Japan, Australia and Philippines -- issued a joint statement of defense ministers and so on to state that joint trainings would be concucted in the South China Sea in which the Japan Maritime SDF and each country's navy participate.
In the situation that Philippine ships are under pressure from China in the South China Sea, it aims that three countries of the U.S., Japan and Australia appeal solidarity with Philippines.
It's positioned the joint trainings as the 1st quadrilateral "Maritime Cooperative Activity."

> 共同声明では「自由で開かれたインド太平洋を支えるための地域や国際協力を強化する共同のコミットメント(関与)を示す」と強調。

In the joint statement, it's emphasized that >"Demonstrating our colective commitment to strengthen regional and international cooperation in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific."
It welcomed that >"Ultimately, the Maritime Cooperative Activity will strengthen the interoperability of our defense/armed forces doctrines, tactics, techniques, and procedures."