
>"日本の GWを狙え… 韓国航空各社、日本人旅行客を確保しようと躍起"


> PRESS CONFERENCE: Takuya Yokota, Association of Families of Victims Kidnapped by North Korea

Translation; "It will be appealed at the U.S.-Japan summit meeting" -- chairperson of Association of the Families of Victims Kidnapped by N. Korea Takuya Yokota requested so on the abduction issue

>"拉致「日米会談でアピールを」 被害者家族会、横田代表が要望"

> 北朝鮮による拉致被害者横田めぐみさん=失踪当時(13)=の弟で被害者家族会代表の拓也さん(55)が5日、東京都内の日本外国特派員協会で記者会見した。
> 10日に米ワシントンで予定されている日米首脳会談で「拉致事件を強くアピールし、協力と支援をいただけるよう米国と約束してほしい」と岸田文雄首相に求めた。

On April 5, Takuya Yokota (55) -- younger brother of the abduction-victim Megumi Yokota (13 years old at the time of disappearance) and chairperson of Association of the Families of Victims Kidnapped by N. Korea -- held a press briefing at Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ) in Tokyo.
He requested PM Fumio Kishida that "I would like you to strongly appeal the abduction issue and promise the U.S. possible to be cooperated and supported" at the U.S.-Japan summit meeting scheduled on April 10 in the Washington DC in the U.S.

> 拓也さんは、めぐみさんが1977年11月に拉致されてから「46年間も人権がじゅうりんされ、家族の絆が引き裂かれたままだ」と強調。
> 海外メディアに向け「国際社会に、北朝鮮が今も人質外交を続けていると発信してほしい」と訴えた。

Takuya emphasized that "her human rights have been violated and family ties have remained torn for 46 years" since Megumi was abducted in November 1977.
He appeald to oversead media that "I would like you to disseminate to the international community that N. Korea conducts hostage-diplomacy even in nowadays."