
>"川勝知事、発言撤回して謝罪 → JA遠州中央名誉会長「受け入れ難い」正式に抗議へ"


>"公職選挙法違反(公示前の選挙運動)を平気でやってしまう、立憲民主党 → こっそり投稿削除…"

> 川勝知事 "辞意"でリニアは? "後継打診"渡辺周氏… 川勝イズム「引き継がない」【知ってもっと】【グッド!モーニング】(2024年4月5日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 4/6)


> 入管を厳しくするのは外国人排斥のためではない。
> 日本で暮らす日本人と外国人の平穏な暮らしを守るため。
> 平穏な暮らしを乱す外国人が対象。

The reason why to tighten immigration control is not to exclude foreigners.
To protect the peaceful lives of Japanese and foreigners living in Japan.
Foreigners who disrupt peaceful life are subject to that.

> 川口市の「トルコ国籍」の男子中学生(14)を、商業施設の出入り口付近に煙幕花火を投げ付けた疑いで逮捕。

> 男子中学生らは施設内で大音量で音楽を流し、たばこを吸うなどの迷惑行為を繰り返して、警備員から出禁を告げられると、「外国人を差別するのか」「爆破してやる」と逆ギレして、煙幕花火を持ってお礼参り。
> 14歳にしてすでにクズじゃん。
> さすがに帰ってくれ。

A 14-year-old middle school boy with "Turkish nationality" in Kawaguchi City was arrested on suspicion of throwing smoke bomb firework near the entrance of a commercial facility.

The male junior high school students repeatedly caused a nuisance inside the facility, such as playing music loudly, smoking cigarettes, etc. When the security guard notified them "ban on entering," he snaped back at it, said that "do you discriminate foreigners?" and "I'll blow it up," and came for revenge with smoke bomb firework.
He's already trash at 14 years old.
As expected, please return your home country.

>"立腹…14歳が喫煙、商業施設で音楽爆音 出禁にされ花火投げ込む「外国人の僕だけ悪い事すると差別される」"


> 共産党の田村智子委員長、パワハラ発言で出だしから求心力低下か。
> もともとカリスマがないのに、強権を発揮しとうとして失敗。

Japan Communist Party chairperson Tomoko Tamura's power harassment remark seem to have weakened her unifying force from the start.
Even though she doesn't have charisma to begin with, she attempted to exert force and fails.

>"共産が党員増へ手紙作戦 田村智子委員長の「パワハラ発言」などで求心力低下 2中総開幕"


> 高橋洋一氏が川勝知事によるリニア開業阻止の内幕を暴露。

Yoichi Takahashi reveals the behind the scene truth of Gov. Kawakatsu's efforts to block the opening of the maglev train.
"(Suzuki's Osamu Suzuki) said that [Actually, I was against the maglev], but it's not reported that he was against that."
"He had a fight like cats and dogs relations with Mr. Kasai of JR Tokai. It was really nonsense."



> 静岡県牧之原市の杉本市長が川勝知事について「辞職するのは失言・舌禍が原因」「リニアを潰すつもりでやっていたんですか?国家プロジェクトであるし、国も 3.5兆円の財政投融資をしている中で、それを7年止めたとなると僕は犯罪じゃないかと思う」と痛烈に非難。
> 大井川流域の地域もコンセンサスが取れていたのに、川勝知事がすべてをひっくり返してのリニア潰し。
> これから悪行が暴かれていくはず。

Shizuoka Pref. Makinohara City Mayor Sugimoto fiercely criticized Gov. Kawakatsu as follows;
"Resignation was due to his gaffes and slip of the tongue."
"Was he doing that in order to ruin the maglev project!? In the situation that it's the state project and the central government has even provided \3.5 trillion in fiscal investment and loan program (FILP), I think that it's a crime that he halted that for seven years.
Even consensus was made in the Oi River basin regions. Nevertheless, ruinning the maglev project by turning everything upside down by Gov. Kawakatsu.
I'm sure his evil acts will be uncovered from now on.

>"「リニア潰すつもりでやっていたのか?犯罪じゃないか」 牧之原市長が辞意表明の川勝知事を痛烈非難 静岡"


> 立憲民主党ぐるみで公職選挙法違反か?
Is the CDPJ as a whole violating the Public Offices Election Law?



> 台湾で、日本占領時代の橋が無事で、中華民国時代の橋が崩れるの図。
> 戦前日本の技術力、職人魂のすごみを感じる。

A photo showing that a bridge built during the Japanese occupation period in Taiwan wasn't broken while a bridge built during the Republic of China era collapsed.
I can feel the amazing "technical capability" and "craftsmanship" of prewar Japan.