
>"【選挙協力】立憲民主党とれいわが候補者調整 泉代表「自民党政治に終止符を!」"

>"TBS、東京15区補選からあからさまに飯山陽候補をいないことにしてしまう… ⇒ ネットの反応「共産党が真ん中 www」「相変わらずの偏向報道」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/5)


> 国民民主党のセキュリティクリアランス法修正案は敢えなく否決。
> 玉木雄一郎氏は「有志の会の皆さんには賛成頂きましたが、賛成少数で否決されました。残念です。ハニトラのチェック、政務三役や審議会メンバーのチェックは必要。引き続き政府に対応を求めていきます」と。
> 反対は "身に覚え"があるから。
> 許し難い国会の現状

The DPFP's bill to revise the Security Clearance Act was unfortunately rejected.
DPFP leader Yuichiro Tamaki X-posted that "Although Yūshi no Kai members voted for it, it was rejected by a minority voted for it. It's unfortunate. We need to check honey trap, the three political officials and council members. We will continuously require the government to deal with that."
The reason why they voted against it is because they have "guilty conscience" about that.
The current state of the Diet is unforgivable.



> なぜ "移民大国化"が許されないか。
> 秩序はどう破壊されるか。
> 多くの日本人は知らない。
> だがいきなりブン殴られるこの白人女性の姿を見てほしい。
> 日本人よ、声を挙げよ

Why is "becoming an immigration powerhouse" unforgivable!?
How is the order destroyed?
Many Japanese persons don't know that.
However, please look at this white female who suddenly gets punched.
The words of "An ungrateful ethnic group is a pity one, who only know to rule or be ruled. Therefore, the day will come when Japanese females will be treated in such way" is heavy.
Japanese persons, raise your voice!



> 放送法4条違反をやってのけた TBSが東京15区補選のニュースで一昨日と打って変わって日本保守党の飯山あかり氏を取り上げた。
> 殺到する激しい抗議が余程堪えたらしい。
>「これからも日本を守るため偏向メディア、売国政党と戦っていきます」と飯山氏。 > これがマスコミ。
> 視聴者は一刻も早く地上波から脱却を

TBS, which violated the Article 4 of the Broadcast Law, changed its stance completely from yesterday and reported candidate Akari Iiyama (the Conservative Party of Japan) in the Tokyo 15th electoral constituency by-election in its program.
It seems that it's hit hard by a flood of criticism.
Iiyama X-posted that "I will continuously battle against biased media and national traiter parties from now on too."
This is mass media.
Viewers should get rid of terrestrial television ASAP.