Ref.>"セキュリティークリアランス法案、衆院委員会で可決! 共・社・れなどが反対"

>"辞職表明の川勝知事、支援受けてきたスズキ鈴木修相談役と会談 → 反応『この方が黒幕?』『怪しい』"

>"水道橋博士「自分が『れいわ新選組』から立候補したことで『カルト』と言われるのだが… ボクは『基◯外』なんだろうか?」→ コメント殺到"


>【知る権利】国民民主党 榛葉幹事長が河野太郎氏の怪しさを徹底批判「国家安全保障に直結する問題。大林を使う理由は何か?」が話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 4/5)


> スズキの鈴木修元会長がリニア開業を遅らせた黒幕だと断定していいだろう。
> リニアが静岡県にあまりメリットがないのは事実だが、東海道新幹線の老朽化を考えれば、幹線高速鉄道を敷くメリットはリスク分散としては計り知れない。
> それを環境問題に矮小化した理由を知りたい。

It is safe to conclude that Osamu Suzuki, former chairman of Suzuki Motor Corporation, is the mastermind behind the delay in the opening of the maglev train.
It's true that the maglev train does not have much benefit for Shizuoka Pref. However, taking the aging of the Tokaido bullet train into consideration, the benefits of constructing a trunk high-speed railway are immeasurable in terms of risk diversification.
I would like to know why this has been trivialized to an environmental issue.



> 本人たちの努力は置いておくとして、BTSが成功したのは国家ぐるみでお金を使って広めたから。
> 彼らの人権意識が高かったら、メンバーが原爆 Tシャルを着たのをこれみよがしに SNSをアップするわけがない。
> 国連できれい事言ったくらいでそれが消えると思うなよ。

> 元の名は「防弾少年団」なんだから、「どこからの弾=攻撃を防ぐ少年たち」と言いたいのかを考えれば解ける。
> 反日がバレたから、イメージを変えるために頭文字に変えただけのこと。
Putting aside their own efforts, the reason why BTS has succeeded is that they were promoted by spending state money.
If they had a high level of human rights awareness, they wouldn't have uploaded on the social media accounts to make fun of a member wearing an atomic bomb T-shirt.
Don't think that just by saying fine-sounding talk at the U.N. can whitewash that.
Its original name was "bulletproof boys." Therefore if you think about what it want to say that "Where the bullets come from = boys who prevent attacks," you can understand.
As it's revealed that they were anti-Japan, that they simply changed its initial to change his image.



> 不法滞在外国人の3回目の難民申請を認めず、強制送還にすることを閣議決定。
> グッジョブ!

The Cabinet has decided not to accept the 3rd refugee application by illegally staying foreigners and to forcefully deport them.

>"難民申請の悪用解消へ 3回目以降は強制送還に 改正入管法の6月10日完全施行を閣議決定"


Does it mean that "Reiwa (Shinsengumi) intends to help state minister Taro Kono"!?



> 河野太郎氏再エネTFに中国国営企業とつながりのある人物を入れたのは、河野氏が「隠れ一帯一路推進者」だからと考えるのが自然だと思う。
> 同様に、NTT法の廃止に反対している者には、隠れ一帯一路推進者がおり、たとえば NTT法が廃止されて NTTが自由になると困るソフトバンクの孫正義氏も隠れ一帯一路推進者、他も同様・・・というのが私の考え。

I think it is natural to think that the reason why Taro Kono included persons with ties to the Chinese state-run company in the Renewable Energy Introduction Task Force is that he is a "hidden One Belt One Road promoter."
Similarly, among those who oppose the repeal of the "NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) Law" are hidden One Belt One Road promoters, and for example, Masayoshi Son of Softbank, who would be in trouble if the NTT Law is repealed and NTT is freed, is also a hidden One Belt One Road promoter, and others are as the same -- it's my understanding.



> 国民民主党のセキュリティ・クリアランス法案修正案を全力支持。
> 日本だけではないが、政治家への中国の浸透度は異常。
> 最近は堂々と議員会館に通っているのまでいるらしいからな。

I fully support the DPFP's proposed amendment to the security clearance bill.
Even though Japan isn't the only one, but China's level of penetration among politicians is extraordinary.
Recently, it seems that some of them are even openly entering into the Diet Building.