
>"れいわ・大石議員、高市大臣にセキュリティークリアランス法案で的外れな質問 → 無事撃沈…"

>'【動画】れいわ・山本代表「バックに宗教も企業も無い!私のバックは "あなた"なんですよ!」'



Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/4)


> 2016年参院選で自民が擁立を画策したが、女性5人との不適切な関係が発覚して断念した乙武洋匡氏。
> 長尾たかし氏は「女性との不適切関係、5人迄は推薦に影響ないということ?政治とは時に苦渋の選択で妥協も有りかと思うが、この妥協は認められぬ。憲法への自衛隊明記反対、原発反対、選択的夫婦別姓推進、LGBT推進、同性婚推進。自民党本来の党是とは相容れない。不戦敗の方がまだマシ」と。
> だが、これが自民党

Hiromasa Ototake, whom the LDP planned to field for in the 2016 UH general election, but gave it up after his inappropriate relationships with five females were revealed.
Former LH lawmaker Takashi Nagao (LDP) X-posted that "Does this mean that up to five inappropriate relationships with females doesn't affect the recommendation? I think that a compromise is acceptable in politics due to a difficult choice, but this compromise can't be acceptable. He opposese to stipulate the SDF in the Constitution, opposes to nuclear power plants, promotes selective surnames for married couples, promotes LGBT and promotes same-sex marriage. This is inconsistent with the LDP's original party policy. It is still better to lose by default."
However, this is the LDP.



> 東京15区補選を報じる TBSのニュースが日本保守党の飯山陽氏を完全無視。
> 移民問題や LGBT問題、憲法改正、夫婦別姓批判など、具体的に「日本を守る」策を打ち出す飯山陽氏をそこまで嫌うマスコミ。
> メディアが日本をどこへ持っていきたいのかよく分るが、明確な報道倫理違反。
> 許してはならない

A TBS news program on the Tokyo 15th electoral constituency by-election completely ignores candidate Akari Iiyama (the Conservative Party of Japan).
The media hates Akari Iiyama so much, who launched concrete measures to "protect Japan," such as immigration issue, LGBT issue, constitutional revise and criticism of married couples having different surnames.
It clearly shows where the media wants to change Japan, but it's a clear violation of journalistic ethics.
We must never forgive it.



> 東京15区補選で日本保守党の飯山陽氏が勝利すれば政界に大激震が起こる事は確実。
> 組織票に胡座をかき、有権者を舐めきった既存政党に鉄槌が下るからだ。
> それは崩壊する日本の希望でもある。
> 日本を守る為に立ち上がり、敵がいくら強大であろうと怯まない飯山陽氏を心ある日本人は絶対に見殺しにはしない

If candidate Akari Iiyama (the Conservative Party of Japan) is elected in the Tokyo 15th electoral constituency by-election, it will surely jolt the political circle.
The reason why is that the existing political parties, which have rested on organized votes and thoroughly licked voters, will be punished severely.
It is also a hope for collapsing Japan.
No Japanese person with a heart doesn't leave Akari Iiyama alone, who stands up to protect Japan and don't be afraid no matter how powerful the enemy is.



> 米下院議員がガザについて「広島、長崎のように終わらせよ」と原爆示唆の暴言を吐いた事に「抗議は考えていない」と上川陽子外相。
> 松原仁議員が「ありえない外交の敗北だ」と厳しく批判しても、相変わらず官僚ペーパー棒読みの上川氏。
> 71歳 になっても未だ自分の言葉を持たない政治家。
> あり得ない

In response that a U.S. House of Representatives member (* Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Tipton)) made a rant about Gaza, saying that "It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick" suggesting an atomic bomb, FM Yoko Kamikawa said that "We don't consider to lodge a protest."
Even though LH lawmaker Hitoshi Matsubara harshly criticized her, saying that "unthinkable diplomatic defeat," FM Kamikawa continued to read the paper prepared by bureaucrats in mono tone.
Even though he is 71 years old, she is a politician without her own words. Impossible.



> 離党勧告の塩谷立氏の弁明書は凄まじい。
> 果たして首相の "処分なし"に納得する国民はいるのか

The written statement of defense of LH lawmaker Ryu Shionoya, who is issued a recommendation to leave the party, is terrifying.
"It's completely unacceptable that only some members of the Seiwa-ken are being punished unfairly and severely, as if they are being scapegoated, without showig clear standards and acts that are subject to grilling the responsibility. The responsibility of the party, and even more so, the moral and political responsibility of President Kishida, who led the president's faction whose related person was indicted, should be held too, as the same of the Seiwa-ken."
Are there persons who are satisfied with the fact that there is no disciplinary action against the prime minister?