Ref.>"不記載額 500万円未満の処分見送りへ… 自民党方針が波紋"

>"「神様みたいな存在」世耕氏の理事長辞任求め 近畿大有志が署名"

>"「人を傷つけて私の心も傷ついた」不適切発言で辞意の静岡・川勝知事が謝罪 撤回はせず"


> 国民・榛葉氏が河野太郎氏の責任追及 「再エネに中国の影」問題で特定財団重用の理由質す

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 4/3)br>


> 内閣府の再エネ TFが「外国勢力との関係の有無」が明らかになるまで中止に。
> これは河野太郎大臣には大ダメージ。
> 国民民主党の礒崎さん、グッジョブ!

Cabinet Office's Renewable Energy Task Force will be suspended until "it will be clarified wheter or not involvement of foreign powers."
It causes a great damage to state minister Taro Kono.
UH lawmaker Tetsuji Isozaki (DPFP), GJ!



> リニア開業の遅延による損失はおそらく数兆円単位、その悪行を行ってきた川勝平太氏の退職金1億円超。
The loss due to the delay in the opening of the linear train is likely to be in the trillions of yen. Gov. Heita Kawakatsu, who committed the wrongdoings, will receive more than \100 million in retirement benefits.

>'まさに "盗人に追い銭"リニア遅れで「兆単位」経済損失の川勝知事辞職へ、もらう退職金は累積「1億円超」'


> 中学生向け教科書『新しい歴史教科書』他(自由社)が文科省の教科書検定についに合格。
> 同会がシンポジウムを開催。
> 藤岡先生をはじめとする先達のご尽力に心より感謝申し上げます。

The "New History Textbook" for junior high school (Jiyusha), etc. have finally passed the MEXT's textbook screening.
The Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform will hold a symposium.
I would like to express my from the bottom of the heart gratitude to my predecessors, including former Prof. Nobukatsu Fujioklka, for their efforts.