Ref.>"再エネに中国共産党の影… 河野太郎氏の責任追及「なぜ自然エネルギー財団を重用するのか」 国民民主党・榛葉幹事長 「国家安全保障に直結」⇒ネットの反応「河野太郎はヤバいな…」「少なくとも再エネ関連については全部調べたほうがいいよな」"


> 中国企業ロゴ透かし問題に高市大臣 自然エネルギー財団と中国が繋がっていると認識「事実関係を調査し適切な対応を」が話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/1)


> この動画を見ても河野太郎氏に何も感じない向きは余程の方だろう。
> 日本の電力の生殺与奪を中国に握らせる ASG構想を進める中国国営 "国家電網"。
> そこと同一歩調をとる自然エネルギー財団事業局長が引き起こした "ロゴ"事件。
>"所管外"連発の河野氏はかつて "所管外"批判の急先鋒だった事をご存知だろうか

If you don't feel anything about LH lawmaker Taro Kono (LDP) after viewing this footage, you're probably an extreme person.
The state run "State Grid Corporation of China," which has been promoting the "Asian Super Grid"(ASG) vision making the right to make live or kill of Japan's electricity be grasped by China.
The "logo" case, which was caused by general secretary of "Renewable Energy Institute" which takes the same line with it.
Do you know that Kono, who repeatedly voiced "out of jurisdiction," was once fierce spearhead to criticize "out of jurisdiction"!?



> 国家電網 "ロゴ"事件で辞任した自然エネルギー財団の大林ミカ氏。
> 産経が「人選に関わった河野氏と内閣府の責任は重い。河野氏が外相当時の"気候変動に関する有識者会合"では委員9人のうち3人が自然エネルギー財団のメンバーだった。同財団は日本と中国、ロシア、インド、タイなどの送電網を連結するアジアスーパーグリッド構想の実現を唱えている。国家電網の呼びかけで設立された国際的な送電網構築を目指す非営利団体にも参加。日本の電力供給を専制国家に左右される余地を与えるのは、国家安全保障、エネルギー安保の両面から到底受け入れられない」と。
> 仰る通り。
> なぜ河野氏が辞任しないのか理解不能

Mika Obayashi of the "Renewable Energy Institute," who resigned due to the "logo" of the State Grid Corporation of China case.
The Sankei Shimbun asserted in its editorial that "Kono and the Cabinet Office, who were involved in the selection, bear a heavy responsibility. At the "group of experts on climate change," three of the nine members were members of the Renewable Energy Institute when Kono was Foreign Minister. The Institute has advocated the realization of the Asian Super Grid (ASG) vision, which connects the power grids of Japan, China, Russia, India, Thailand, etc. She also participates in a non-profit organization established at the request of the State Grid Corporation of China that aims to build an international power grid. Giving a room to a tyrannical state to control Japan's electricity supply completely unacceptable from both national security and energy security perspectives.
It has a point.
It's ununderstanble that why Kono doesn't resign.

>"<主張>再エネ資料にロゴ 中国の影響力工作を疑え 河野担当相の責任は重大だ"


> 圧力で KADOKAWAからの出版を断念させ、新たに刊行を決意した産経新聞出版も脅迫。
> 販売書店にも放火をちらつかせ、次々販売停止に追い込む卑劣な勢力。
> それでも日本人は発売前にこの本を売上げ1位に押し上げた。素晴らしい

[Girls who want to be transgender] (Sankei Shimbun Publishing) ranks 1st overall on Amazon.
By applying pressure, they forced KADOKAWA to give up its publication, and even threatened Sankei Shimbun Publishing, which newly decided to publish the book.
The despicable force, that has threatened bookstores with arson and forces them to stop selling one after another.
Nevertheless, the Japanese push the book to the 1st place in sales before its release.