Ref.>"【商品回収】中国から輸入… 台湾でカレー粉や菓子に使う香辛料に工業用染料「蘇丹紅」混入"

> 国基研チャンネル 第 536回「河野大臣の責任を明確に」 櫻井よしこ(国家基本問題研究所 理事長)、有元隆志(月刊正論発行人)

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; It's 7th day of the territorial waters violation this year = two Chinese vessels went out of the Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands

>"中国船2隻が領海出る 尖閣諸島周辺、侵入は今年7日目"

> 第11管区海上保安本部(那覇)は 30日、尖閣諸島(沖縄県石垣市)周辺で 28日に領海侵入した中国海警局の船2隻がその後もとどまり、30日正午ごろになって相次ぎ領海外側の接続水域に出たと発表した。
> 中国当局の船が尖閣周辺で領海侵入したのは3日連続で、今年7日目。

On March 30, the 11st Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, Japan Coast Guard (Naha City) released that two CCG vessels, which intruded into the Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands ((Tonoshirosenkaku) Ishigaki City) in Okinawa Pref., stayed there since then, and went out to the contiguous zone, outside of the territorial waters at around noon on March 30 one after another.
The Chinese public vessels violated the territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands for 3 days in a row, and the 7th day this year.

> 11管によると、28日午前2時半ごろから2隻が相次いで領海に侵入。
> 2隻は日本漁船2隻の動きに合わせて航行し、領海から出るよう巡視船が要求していた。
> 接続水域では、別の中国船2隻も確認され、うち1隻は機関砲のようなものを搭載。
> 接続水域を含め、尖閣周辺で中国当局の船が確認されるのは100日連続。

According to the 11st Regional JCG Headquarters, the two vessels intruded into the territorial waters one after another from around 2:30 am on March 28.
The two vessels sailed like following the moves of two Japanese fishing boats, and JCG patrol boat(s) required them to leave the territorial waters.
In the contiguous zone, other two Chinese vessels were also confirmed, and one of them had something like an auto cannon.
The Chinese public vessels were found out around the Senkaku Islands, includiong the contiguous zone, for 100 days in a row.