


>"パヨメディア「日本人は 731部隊を描いた韓国ドラマから何を学ぶか」"


> S. Korean army, U.S. Marine Corps conduct KCTC training for first time

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Kin Jong-un inspected the WPK executive training school


> 北朝鮮の朝鮮中央通信は 31日、金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記が建設中の党中央幹部学校を視察したと伝えた。
> 日付は不明。
> 昨年4月に着工し、今年5月中旬に完工の予定。
> 同通信は「開校式が盛大に開かれる」としている。
> 金氏は事務や体育、生活のための施設などを確認。
> 教育施設の一部には改善を命じた。

On March 31, the KCNA reported that General Secretary of the WPK, "Kim Jong-un," inspected the under construction WPK executive training school.
The date and time are unclear.
The construction began in April last year, and is scheduled to be completed in mid-May this year.
The KCNA explained that "The school opening ceremony will be held grandly."
Kim checked the facilities for office work, physical education and daily life.
He ordered improvements to some educational facilities.