
>"EU「中国依存から脱却する」 日本との連携強化を発表"

>"シェルター整備へ調整加速 防災公園など3カ所検討 石垣市"

>'"日本の未来をどうするか相談しているそうです"… 乙武洋匡氏の交友関係が話題に'

>【櫻LIVE】第597回 - 竹田恒泰・作家 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/30)


> 自民党は裏金問題の清和会幹部の一部に除名の次に重い "離党勧告"を科す方向で検討。
> 国民を舐めるのも大概にせよ

The LDP considers to impose a "recommendation to leave the party" on some of the Seiwakai executives involved in the slush fund scandal, which is the 2nd-heaviest punishment after "expulsion."
It's explained to lean toward harsher punishment, saying that "There is not enough remorse for causing the party's decline." If so, what will be the punishment on PM Kishida, (* former) chairman of the Kochi-kai, whose person in charge of accounting was prosecuted and found guilty?
Enough is enough to lick the nationals.

>"裏金処分、離党勧告を検討 自民、安倍派幹部の一部に"


> 中国駐在の北朝鮮大使が朝鮮中央通信を通じて「日本大使館の関係者が電子メールで接触を打診してきたが拒否した。わが国が日本側といかなるレベルでも会う事はない」と談話発表。
> 金正恩総書記の妹、金与正氏に「(岸田の)首脳会談への意欲は史上最低水準の支持率を意識しての事」とまで言われながら必死の岸田首相。
> これ以上の恥の上塗りはやめて下さい

N. Korean ambassador to China (* Ri Ryong-nam) released a statement through the KCNA that "Even though an official of the Japanese embassy sounded us with an e-mail to contact us, we declined that. Out country will never meet with the Japanese side at any level."
PM Kishida is desperate, even though Kim Yo-jong, Kim Jong-un's younger sister, has even said that "(Kishida's) will to hold a summit meeting is conscious of his approval rating, which is at an all-time low."
Please stop to double the disgrace anymore.

>'中国駐在の北朝鮮大使 "日本大使館関係者が接触打診も拒否"'


> 鹿児島県伊佐市のメガソーラー火災は、消火活動の為の放水ができず、爆発で怪我人が出るなど太陽光発電火災の "消火の困難さ"を浮き彫りに。
> 震災時の東京での火災を想像するだけで恐ろしい。
> 新築への太陽光パネル設置を義務づけた小池百合子都知事は、どんな責任をとるのだろうか

The mega solar fire in Isa City, Kagoshima Pref. highlighted the difficulty of extinguishing a solar power fire, such as that water could not be sprayed to extinguish the fire, people were injured in the explosion, etc.
Just imagining a fire that breaks out in Tokyo when an earthquake occurrs is terrifying.
What responsibility will Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike take, who obliged to install solar panels in newly built houses?

>"鹿児島でメガソーラー火災「放水できず自然鎮火待つしかない」「爆発で消防隊員2人が入院」… 太陽光発電施設の災害、対応の困難さ浮き彫りに"


> 不倫問題で参院選出馬を断念した "LGBT法" "夫婦別姓" "改憲反対"論者の乙武洋匡氏を都民ファーストが東京15区補選に担ぎ出し、自公が乗る可能性が大だそうだ。
> 都ファ & 自公が左翼政党である事を証明するに十分。
> これらの政策に真っ向から反対するのが日本保守党の飯山陽氏。

It's allegedly very likely that the Tomin First no Kai (Tokyoites First) will field Hirotada Ototake in the by-election in the Tokyo 15th electoral constituency (* on April 28) -- who gave up to run in an UH general election due to his affair problem, and an advocate of "LGBT Law," "different surname for a couple" & "oppose to revise the Constitution" -- and the LDP and Komei Party will piggyback on it.
It's enough to prove that the Tomin First no Kai, the LDP and Komei Party are leftist parties.
It's Akari Iiyama (the Conservative Party of Japan), who squarely opposes to those policy measures.
It's obvious that "who will defend Japan."



> 都民ファーストが "LGBT法" "夫婦別姓" "改憲反対"の乙武洋匡氏を東京15区補選に擁立。
> だが自民党が党是に反する改憲反対論者に "乗る"としたらおかしい。
> 改憲主張の国民民主党も乙武氏推薦なら失望。
> 7年前、都議選で都民ファに大惨敗を喫した自民党都連の辞書に "恥"や "筋を通す"という言葉はないのだろう

The Tomin First no Kai (Tokyoites First) will field Hirotada Ototake in the by-election in the Tokyo 15th electoral constituency, who is an advocate of "LGBT Law," "different surname for a couple" & "oppose to revise the Constitution."
However, it's irrational that if the LDP "piggybacks" on the person, who is an opponent of constitutional amendment, which goes against the party's ideals.
If the DPFP, which advocates for constitutional revision, also recommends Ototake, I will be disappointed.
Seven years ago, the LDP Tokyo suffered a crushing defeat in the metropolitan assembly election to the Tomin First no Kai. The words of neither "shame" nor "consistent" probably don't noted in its dictionary.



> 拙著『>"日中友好侵略史"』にも書いたが、中国の地道な工作活動は "見事"という他ない。
> 閣僚にも官僚にも丹念に工作員を構築。
> 河野太郎氏による再エネタスクフォース4人のメンバーのうち2人は反原発活動家であり、自然エネルギー財団から。
> 日本のエネルギーの生殺与奪を中国に握らせる謀略は土壇場で露見。
> 国民に危機感がなければ完全にヤラれる

As I wrote in my book, [History of Sino-Japan friendship & invasion] (correct title in English is unknown), China's steady manipulation-activity can only be described as "stunning."
It has painstakingly built up its operatives in both the cabinet and the bureaucracy.
Of the four members of Taro Kono's "the Renewable Energy TF," two are anti-nuclear activists and are from the "Renewable Energy Institute."
The plot to make China grasp the right to make live or kill of Japan's energy was exposed at the last minute.
If the nationals don't have a sense of crisis, it will be completely captured.



> 国家電網"ロゴ"事件の本質を突く玉木雄一郎氏が再エネタスクフォースの深刻なガバナンス上の問題を指摘。
> 仰る通り。
> 国会で河野vs玉木の直接対決を

DPFP leader Yuichiro Tamaki, who grills the essence of the "logo" of the State Grid Corporation of China case, pointed out the serious problem on the governance of the "Renewable Energy TF."
He X-posted that 'Selection process problem is also a problem, which chosed persons who were publicly pointed out for their lack of expertise. However, what I think to be a serious problem is that, when reporting to PM Kishida the compiled recommendations of the Regulatory Reform Promotion Council, they also included the recommendations of the "Renewable Energy TF", which had no legal basis. The Renewable Energy TF has no legal basis under the Cabinet Office Establishment Act. Nevertheless, the very fact that its recommendations reached the prime minister of the country reveals a governance problem, that can't be overlooked. Even more so, if the proposal may have been influenced by a foreign power. For the sake of the future, we should thoroughly examine the "process" and "impact on policy" of Mika Obayashi's selection. This is not a matter that should be closed with Obayashi's resignation.'
He has a point.
Direct confrontation of "Kono vs Tamaki" at the Diet session should be realized.



> 国民民主党の榛葉賀津也幹事長の会見が切実。
> 中国にここまで "侵蝕"された日本。
> ただただ恐ろしい

The DPFP Secretary General Kaduya Shinba's press conference is serious.
He says that "When Kono became Defense Minister, he suddenly released a policy to use renewable energy as much as possible to power defense facilities starting in 2020. In some cases, nearly 50% of the energy used is renewable. If a private business operator participates in the project, it's an extremely important defense secret that how much electricity is consume at which military garrison and base and what timing. In nowadays, there are base(s) and garrison(s) with 100% renewable energy. It's even revealed that some of these companies are owned by foreign companies, with overseas Chinese being the largest shareholders. Why does Kono frequently use the organization called "Renewable Energy Institute" so heavily, and why does he use the person whose name is Mika Obayashi? We must thoroughly investigate the truth."
Japan is a country which has been so "eroded" by China.
It's just scary.
