

>"K-POPの世界的影響力、2023年ベストセラー 20枚のうち19枚が韓国発"


>"国籍不明のドローンが海自・いずもの甲板上を飛行!? 映像2が中国の bilibiliに投稿され話題に… → 反応『CGっぽい』『フェイク動画に思える』"


> S. Korea's political parties kick off their official election campaigns on Thursday

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 3/30)


> 国民民主党は東京15区でファーストの会の乙武氏を支援へ。
The DPFP will support (* Hirotada) Ototake (Tomin First no Kai (Tokyoites First)) in the Tokyo 15th electoral constituency (* in the by-election on April 28).



> バイデン大統領陣営がニッキー・ヘイリー元国連大使の支持層を CMなどを使って取り込み開始。
Sitting U.S. President Joe Biden camp has begun recruiting supporters of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley through, etc.

>"ヘイリー氏支持層に秋波 共和の反トランプ票狙う"


> 中国のドローンに横須賀基地停泊中のいづも(ママ)が撮影されていたとは衝撃的。
> ドローンは意外と捕捉できない。

It is shocking that "JS Izumo" (DDH-183) moored at Yokosuka Air Base was filmed by a Chinese drone.
Unexpectedly, a drone can't be detected.



> 今のところ簡単ではないです。
> 数兆円のアメリカ製防衛システムをかいくぐって、サウジアラビアの石油施設に壊滅的打撃を与えたのもドローンですし。

It's not easy at this time of the moment.
For example, it was a drone too that evaded the trillions of yen worth of American defense system and caused devastating damage to oil facilities in Saudi Arabia.



> 福田康夫元首相が北京で王毅氏と会談。
> 王氏は、原発処理水の海洋放出が両国関係の正常な発展の障害になっていると発言。
> 何やってくれてんだ。
> 元首相ってこんなのばっかり。

Former PM Yasuo Fukuda held a meeting with (* Chinese Foreign Minister) Wang Yi in Beijing.
Wang Yi said that the maritime discharge of treated waste water from the nuclear power plant was an obstacle to the normal development of bilateral relations.
How could he do that!?
When it comes to former prime ministers, all of them are the ones like this.

>"中国外相が北京で福田康夫元首相と会談 処理水放出が「発展の障害」と主張"


> 韓国総選挙では文在寅大統領の側近だった「玉ねぎ男」こと曺国(チョ・グク)元法務長官の新党「祖国革新党」が10議席を獲得する予想。
> 総選挙の台風の目に。
When it comes to the general election in S. Korea, it's forecasted that a new party established by former Justice Minister Cho Kuk (aka onion man) who was and aid of former President Moon Jae-min, "the Korea Innovation Party," will secure 10 seats.
It is becoming to play the central role in the general election.

>"チョ国元法相、「台風の目」か 新党10議席超獲得の勢い -- 韓国総選挙"