
>"韓国最大野党、与党を7p上回るリード 総選挙前の世論調査"

>"【韓国】ウェブトゥーン、急ブレーキ 市場規模の予測値が激減"



> PM Kishida expresses willingness to push for summit with N. Korea

Translation; "Japan provides certain level of recognition" over coerciveness in CW issue = Foreign Ministry in S. Korea opened diplomatic documents in 1993

>"北朝鮮、日本との接触拒絶 外相表明、「対話は関心外」"

> 北朝鮮の崔善姫外相は 29日、岸田文雄首相が意欲を示す日朝首脳会談に関し、日本との接触を拒絶する方針を政府の公式見解として初めて表明した。
> 北朝鮮側によると在中国日本大使館の関係者が 28日にメールで北朝鮮側に接触してきたが、これにも応じない姿勢だ。
> 朝鮮中央通信が伝えた。

On Japan-S. Korea summit meeting which PM Fumio Kishida has shown his will, on March 29, N. Korean FM Choe Son-hui expressed a polity to reject contact with Japan for the 1st time as an offcial view.
She stated that >"The DPRK-Japan dialogue is not a matter of concern to the DPRK. And the DPRK will not allow any attempt of Japan to contact the former."
According to the N. Korean side, an official of the Japanese embassy in China sent an e-mail to the N. Korean side on March 28, but it takes stance not to respond to that.
The KCNA reported so.

> 北朝鮮側は相次いで談話を出し、拉致問題が解決済みだとの立場を貫いている。
> 日本側が譲歩しない限り、日朝間の対話が困難なことを示す狙いとみられる。
> 岸田氏は、28日の記者会見で拉致問題を含む日朝間の懸案解決について従来の方針に沿って進めると言及。
> 崔氏はこの発言に反発し、拉致問題については「解決してあげることも、努力する義務も、その意思も全くない」と主張した。

The N. Korea side issued statements one after another and consistently takes position that the abductin issue was already settld.
It seems to aim to show that Japan-N. Korea dialogue is difficult unless the Japanese side makes a concession.
At a press briefing on March 28, PM Fumio Kishida mentioned to proceed the Japan-N. Korea outstanding issue including the abduction issue based on its conventional policy.
FM Choe Son-hui was displeased by this remark, and argued that >"The DPRK has nothing to solve as regards the 'abduction issue' insisted by Japan and, moreover, it has neither the responsibility nor the will to make any effort for it."

> 李竜男駐中国大使は 29日、メールでの接触について在中国北朝鮮大使館の参事宛てにあったと明らかにした。
> 李氏は、いかなる役職でも日本側との面会を拒否する意向を強調した。

Concerning the contact via the e-mail, on March 29, N. Korean ambassador to China "Ri Ryong-nam" revealed that it wad done addressing to a counselor of the N. Korean embassy in China.
Ri Ryong-nam emphasized its intention to reject a meeting with the Japanese side in any position.