Ref.>"慰安婦問題を巡る日韓間のやりとりの経緯 ~河野談話作成からアジア女性基金まで~"

>"Details of Exchanges Between Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) Regarding the Comfort Women Issue ~ From the Drafting of the Kono Statement to the Asian Women's Fund ~"

>【櫻LIVE】第 88回 - 西岡 力・東京基督教大学教授/「救う会」会長 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Japan provides certain level of recognition" over coerciveness in CW issue = Foreign Ministry in S. Korea opened diplomatic documents in 1993

>"韓国外務省が 93年の外交文書公表、慰安婦強制性巡り「日本が一定の認識用意」"

> 韓国外務省は 29日、1993年ごろの外交文書を公開した。
> 金泳三政権発足直後の同年4月、慰安婦問題も議題に東京で開かれた日韓外相会談を巡る文書によると、韓国側は解決に前向きながらも慰安婦募集の「強制性」を認めさせることを重視。
> 日本側も一定の認識を示す用意があり、できる限りの表現で検討する意向を伝えていた。

On March 29, Foreign Ministry in S. Korea opened diplomatic documents around 1993.
According to the documents related to the Japan-S. Korea foreign ministerial meeting held in Tokyo in April that year, immediately after the Kim Young-sam administration inaugurated, in which comfort women issue was also on the agenda, even though it's positive to settle the matter, the S. Korean side made much of making Japan acknowledge "coerciveness."
The Japanese side was also ready to show certain level of recognition, and conveyed its intention to consider an expression as much as possible.

> 日本は同年8月、河野洋平官房長官談話で慰安婦の募集や管理は「総じて本人たちの意思に反して行われた」と表明した。
> 一連の過程は日本政府による 2014年の検証で公表済みだが、韓国側の文書でも改めて確認された。

In August that year, Japan expressed that >"their recruitment, transfer, control, etc., were conducted generally against their will, through coaxing, coercion, etc." in the Kono Yohei Statement.
The series of process was already published by the inspection by Tokyo in 2014, and it's re-confirmed by the documents on the S. Korean side.