


> 話題のトランスジェンダー本、遂に発売(前半) 西村幸祐 AJER2024.3.23(1)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 3/29)


> 杉田さん、その通りですね。
> 実はもう手遅れですが米国でもそうでした。
> 英国は何とか持ち直す気配はあるが・・。
> 当然、日本の伝統、文化、歴史も全体主義者やグローバリストやマルキストにとって破壊すべきターゲットになっているわけで・・・。

You have a point, LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP).
In fact, it was already too late, but it was as the same in the U.S.
Even though there is a sign that the U.K. is recovering somehow...
As a matter of course, Japan's "tradition," "culture" & "history" are also targets for totalitarians, globalists, and Marxists to should destroy.



> 非常に有効な手順で北朝鮮に迫れる方法だと思う。
I think this is a very effective means to urge N. Korea.



> 満洲事変後も米国に何らかの形で権益を与えていれば、日本は対米戦争に追い込まれなかった。
> ウイルソン大統領以降の米の日本敵視政策が続いていても共和党政権時に何とかできた。
> 満洲事変翌年の米国発行の地図では満洲国は承認されていた。
> この地図は日本領土は別にしても今でも正しい東アジア地図だ。

Even after the Manchurian Incident, Japan would not have been driven into a corner of the war with the U.S., if it had given some form of interest to the U.S.
Even though the U.S.'s hostile policy toward Japan continued after President Wilson, It could've been able to manage it during the Republican administration.
Manchukuo was recognized on maps published by the U.S. in the next year of the Manchuria Incident.
This map is still an accurate map of East Asia, apart from the Japanese territory.
