
>"【朗報】日本の在留外国人、ベトナム人はじめ東南アジア人が激増 中国人も増加"

>"日本政府が閣議決定 特定技能の外国人 2024年度から5年間で 82万人に拡大 新たに自動車運送業、鉄道など4分野を追加"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 3/29)


>【珍風景】自分の選挙区で街頭演説する李在明野党代表😱(前回大統領選で 47.8%得票者)
> 音量注意!

[Unusual scene]. Lee Jae-myung, the opposition party leader, is giving a speech on the street in his constituency😱 (47.8% of the votes in the last presidential election).
Be careful of the volume!

>「ドントムーブ、ビッグマネー」刃物男がグループホームに押し入り女性職員に刃物突きつけるも何も取らず逃走 東京・国立市
> 土葬、給食について「多文化共生に合わせろ!」という圧力があったが
> 英語力も身につけなきゃいけない多文化時代の到来か🤔

"Don't move, big money." A male armed with a knife broke into a group home and pointed a knife at a female staff member. However, he ran away without taking anything = Kunitachi City in Tokyo.
It's pressured to "adjust to multicultural coexistence" regarding "burials" & "school meals," and is it the arrival of a multicultural era when we need to acquire English skills🤔

>"「ドントムーブ、ビッグマネー」刃物男がグループホームに押し入り女性職員に刃物突きつけるも何も取らず逃走 東京・国立市"


> と「ヘイトスピーチ」は違う
> 彼らが自ら発した暴言は検閲対象外で、「ヘイトスピーチ」にならない🙄

"Abusive language" and "offensive expressions" are different from "hate speech."
Among the types of "Abusive language" and "offensive expressions," "hate speech" is the one to have been censored by specific groups and the media catering to them.
The abusive language they themselves voice isn't subject to censorship and not to be labeled as "hate speech"🙄